Sunday, April 27, 2014

How to lose weight fast without Weight Watchers

I just finished a very cool video tip on what the biggest mistakes people make are when trying to lose weight fast.

I posted it on my free membership site at

If you're not yet a member, all you have to do is sign up with your name and email and you'll get access to this and a ton of other videos, all for free

You're welcome :-)

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Does strength training make you bulkier and gain weight?

Hi there, this is Jonathan Clark from Lose Weight For Scotland – it’s my mission to Crush Obesity, Add Years To Your Life & help you to Look Good Naked!  I challenge Scots to lose 10 lbs of fat or gain 10 lbs of muscle, even if they’ve tried everything else, and it’s guaranteed.  One of the questions I get asked all the time is  Does strength training make you bulkier and gain weight?

All the Experts say: Not really, but it depends on your body type. “If you tend to be a person who bulks up easily, you might want to try higher reps with lighter weights,”   In my experience, if I can be really honest with you, people who ask that question -  Does strength training make you bulkier and gain weight? - are just trying to put off exercising.

Bulking up is actually much harder to do than losing fat.  Have you seen what a pound of fat looks like?  [PIC] Compare that to a pound of muscle.   [PIC] (think of all the grunting body builders do when they workout!), most women shouldn't worry about it. Actually women's estrogen levels make bulking up harder for them, while testosterone in men makes it easier to build muscle mass in them, so it’s different for each.  

That’s why you get diet plans for women specifically, and you get websites that are clearly geared for men.  What you really need is a programme tailor made for you specifically, because your body is unique.  If you’re anything like me, there will be bits you’re happy to show off, and bits even your partner hasn’t seen for years!  But imagine if you could stand in front of the mirror in your bare buff, and actually like what you see?

Now, if you’re a lady who tends to put on muscle easily you might want to skip typical leg strengthening exercises like squats, lunges and leg presses. Let your cardio program be your leg strengthening routine, because it’s enough to build muscle and will help you lose weight

The thing to remember is that strength training has far more benefits than drawbacks when it comes to weight loss. In other word, every adult should try to build some lean muscle.  Most important is the fact that muscles burn more calories than body fat does at a resting heart rate. “The more muscle on your body the more calories your body burns through every day at rest,” “Adding more muscle to your body is going to increase daily metabolism or daily calorie burn, tighten and tone your flabby bits, and make you feel better and more confident cos you start to get your sexy back J

But building lean muscle takes a lot more e ffort than losing fat, and it takes a lot more food!  To get big you’ve got to eat a whole lot more calories, and good calories at that!  If you’re trying to burn fat, you’ve got it way easier than I have.  See, I’m an ectomorph, which means tall and slim.  I’ve spent most of my life trying to add muscle, and it’s only in the last year that I’ve managed to add 10 lbs onto my body.  But at the same time I lost 7 lbs of fat, especially around my middle.  If you want to know how I did it, get my guide at

But here’s one final point I want to make.  If you weighed 20 stone but looked like Jennifer Lopez, would you care?  See in working with people on weight and body issues for over 20 years, one thing I’ve learned is that people care more about the inches than the scales.  They care more about their shape and figure than they do the numbers on the scales.  So I recommend you focus more on your body shape and your waist measurement than what it says at your feet.

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Is any fat healthy?

Hi there, this is Jonathan Clark from Lose Weight For Scotland – it’s my mission to Crush Obesity, Add Years To Your Life & help you to Look Good Naked!  I challenge Scots to lose 10 lbs of fat or gain 10 lbs of muscle, even if they’ve tried everything else, and it’s guaranteed.  One of the questions I get asked all the time is  “Is any fat healthy?”

Actually, and this sounds bonkers, but a certain amount of fat in the diet plan is good and actually necessary for you to be healthy. However, nutrition experts agree that most folk should eat less fat than they currently do.  That’s why I always cut the greasy white fat off of bacon, meat and anywhere else it appears on my plate, cos I believed “If I don’t eat it in the first place, it will stop appearing on my belly!”  Unfortunately, it’s not that simple.

See there’s 2 types of fats that you’ll have heard of – saturated, and unsaturated.  And all this jargon is really confusing, isn’t it?  So let me try and make this really simple, cos I had to go and study this stuff just to get my own head around it.    This is how I understand it - Saturated generally being regarded as ‘bad’ fats - These fats are derived from animal products such as meat, dairy and eggs. But you also get it in some plant-based sources such as coconut, palm oils. These fats are solid at room temperature. Just picture a big white cube of lard.  Saturated fats directly raise total and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. Conventional advice says if you want weight loss, avoid them as much as possible.

Unsaturated are ‘good’ fats, and they come from vegetables and plants.

These are liquid at room temperature but begin to solidify at cold temperatures. This type of fat is preferable to other types of fat and can be found in olives, olive oil, nuts, peanut oil, canola oil and avocados. Some studies have shown that these kinds of fats can actually (bad) cholesterol and maintain (good) cholesterol.

Then there’s Omega-3 fatty acids.  These include an “essential” fatty acid, which means it's critical for our health but cannot be manufactured by our bodies. Good sources of omega-3 fatty acids include cold-water fish, flax seed, soy, and walnuts. These fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and also boost our immune systems.  That’s why you should eat oily fish, or if you’re like me and you can still remember the pilchards on your Dad’s dinner plate staring at you with cold, dead eyes –you  might find it easier just to take an Omega 3 capsule every day!

When you do eat fat, make sure it is primarily unsaturated fat, such as fat that comes from nuts, grains, and vegetable sources like olive oil.  That’s why you see all those adverts with Italian people living til they’re 100.  Doing that has gotten me down to 17% bodyfat, so I don’t need to wear baggy jumpers to hid my jiggly belly anymore..

So just to recap why are fats important?

Fats are macronutrients [ that means Nutrients that the body uses in relatively large amounts – like proteins, carbohydrates, and fats ] and they provide 9kcal per gram, therefore are the most energy dense nutrient. We should aim to eat a maximum 70g fat per day, and of this only 20g maximum of saturated “bad” fats. Fats are still important, as they are an energy source for the body, as well as a building block of many bodily components. In addition, omega 3 types of polyunsaturated fats- are called ‘essential fats’, as these have vital roles in the body yet cannot be made by the body and so must be consumed as part of one’s diet.

These have a number of jobs to do, including health brain function and managing your cholesterol levels

Let’s be clear: you need fat in your diet. Fat also provides an essential fatty acid for growth, healthy skin and metabolism. It also helps absorb fat-soluble vitamins (A,D,E and K). And, face it, fat adds flavour and is satisfying, making us feel fuller, keeping hunger at bay.  But that doesn’t mean you should always “Say aye tae a pie”.

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Am I doomed by genetics to battle my weight?

Hi there, this is Jonathan Clark from Lose Weight For Scotland – it’s my mission to Crush Obesity, Add Years To Your Life & help you to Look Good Naked!  I challenge Scots to lose 10 lbs of fat or gain 10 lbs of muscle, even if they’ve tried everything else, and it’s guaranteed.  One of the questions I get asked all the time is  “Am I doomed by genetics to battle my weight?”

A: No. It IS true that some people have a slower metabolism, and others put on weight more easily or carry extra pounds in certain areas [and you know the areas I’m talking about} >wink< . Even so, staying slim is not a hopeless battle. You can outsmart your genes and lose weight fast.

When I first got into the fitness scene, it was being sick and tired of being sick and tired.  Having gotten pneumonia for the second time in my life, I set a goal of getting healthy and fit.   I was toally swamped  by the amount of different training programs, supplements, diet plans, articles and information there was out there.  And I was also fed up with my belly jiggling.

There were so many conflicting diets and training programs available and I had no idea what I “should” be doing. So after 6 months in the gym I saw very little gains and almost no desire to workout anymore.
I was at a complete loss and about to chuck it and give up. Then a guy in the gym [who had a body like Daniel Craig] gave me a magazine and said “You need to read the article in there about body types”  So I did and it opened my eyes up to the reason why I wasn’t getting anywhere.

Now I am a true ectomorph (the classic hardgainer) ALSO KNOWN AS SLIM.  and my bodyweight was 60.2kg (132.5lbs) when I first walked into a gym. And trust me, it took a lot of guts to get myself to walk into a gym in the first place! I had no idea about body types back then. I assumed (like most beginners do) that the more I worked out the fitter I would get. Thinking that “more was better” I started following a program designed for an elite bodybuilder. This resulted in gains of about 1.7kg in 6 months.

After reading the body type article in that magazine I started to understand more about how my body type worked, my metabolism, and gaining weight. Being an ectomorph I need to focus on calorie intake, long rest periods, and minimum cardio. It was only then I started making some real gains and I’ve never looked back.  So it’s important to be able to identify and understand your body type. Different body types require different training methods and diet plans. So there are 3 body types: the ectomorph, the mesomorph and the endomorph

Body type influences how you respond to diet and training. Understand your body type in order to plan your training and diet programme.

So this is another basic reason why you might find losing weight, or gaining lean muscle, to be difficult – it’s simple genetics – you’re one of the huge group in the population who has a slow metabolism, or big bones, and your genetics are set for you to be bigger than most.  The round face, the pear shaped body, short muscles.

So if you want to delve into the theory of “body types” and find out which one YOU are… you want to grab my guide at the end of this video.  But briefly there’s 3 types of body shape:

Ectomorphic: characterised by long and thin muscles/limbs and low fat storage; usually referred to as slim. Ectomorphs are not predisposed to store fat nor build muscle.  An ectomorph is a typical skinny weed.
A mesomorph has a large bone structure, large muscles and a naturally athletic physique. Mesomorphs are the best body type for fitness training. They find it quite easy to gain and lose weight. They are naturally strong which is the perfect platform for building muscle.

The endomorph body type is solid and generally soft. Endomorphs gain fat very easily. Endo’s are usually of a shorter build with thick arms and legs. Maybe that’s you?.

These body types aren’t set in stone. In fact, most people have a combination of two body types.

One final point I want to mention is that no matter what your body type you can build drop the pounds and lose inches, or build a more muscular physique. We’ve got thousands of success stories from obese people who aren’t anymore.  And even the skinniest of guys can bulk up.   I know cos I’m doing it, and I’m in better shape now at age 47 than I was at age 27 J

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What’s the best way to keep the weight off once I lose it?

Hi there, this is Jonathan Clark from Lose Weight For Scotland – it’s my mission to Crush Obesity, Add Years To Your Life & help you to Look Good Naked!  I challenge Scots to lose 10 lbs of fat or gain 10 lbs of muscle, even if they’ve tried everything else, and it’s guaranteed.  One of the questions I get asked all the time is What’s the best way to keep the weight off once I lose it?

A: Regular exercise is key. In a recent study, researchers discovered that overweight subjects who had slimmed down over two years required an average of 40 minutes of exercise per day to sustain a loss of 10 percent or more of their initial body weight. And that was in addition to closely watching what they ate. Those who committed less time to sweating it out were more likely to be back where they started. Weight loss is not something that happens once and then you’re done with it Quite honestly, it took years to put the weight on – it’s going to take time to get it off again, yeah?

To stay motivated, join a running group, sign up for cooking lessons, or splurge on a personal coach who can keep you accountable..

•          Set realistic weight loss goals, such as 1 to 2 pounds per week. Those who lose weight slowly, by eating less and exercising more, tend to keep their lost weight off.
•          Keep healthy snacks on hand, such as raw vegetables with low calorie dips, or fruit. Keep in mind it is the total amount of calories consumed that impacts the rate of weight loss.
•          Choose foods high in fiber such as fruits and vegetables with moderate portions of  whole-grain breads, cereals, and  rice. These foods will give you more chewing satisfaction while the higher fiber content will make you feel fuller on fewer calories.

•          To ensure you are eating healthy, keep an accurate food journal. Write down everything you eat or drink. Be honest and accurate, otherwise the journal is not as helpful. The food journal will help you learn about your eating habits and help you assess the food choices you are making.  I use which has a cool iphone app too which makes it easy.  When I started using that I discovered that I was actually UNDER eating every day.

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I started exercising regularly, but I’m actually gaining weight. What’s going on?

Hi there, this is Jonathan Clark from Lose Weight For Scotland – it’s my mission to Crush Obesity, Add Years To Your Life & help you to Look Good Naked!  I challenge Scots to lose 10 lbs of fat or gain 10 lbs of muscle, even if they’ve tried everything else, and it’s guaranteed.  One of the questions I get asked all the time is I started exercising regularly, but I’m actually gaining weight. What’s going on?

A: This is not unusual. Newbies are often surprised to discover how easy it is to put on pounds even when you start exercising. Starting an exercise routine almost always requires more effort, which boosts the number of calories you burn as well as your appetite. Your body is trying to help fuel your increased activity.  It's worse for women: Researchers at the University of Massachusetts discovered this heightened sense of hunger is stronger in women than men because exercise accelerates the production of appetite-regulating hormones, prompting them to eat more; men, it turns out, aren't as susceptible to these changes. 

Pay attention to whether you’re hungry, thirsty, or simply giving in to cravings or feelings of entitlement. When your body truly needs food, you'll experience fatigue, a rumbling stomach, or hunger pangs that accumulate over time.  That’s DIFFERENT from a craving.

To keep cravings at bay, remove temptations from your sight—if biscuits aren't on the kitchen shelf, chances are they won't call your name. You can also try a diversion, such as taking a walk; studies have shown that a brisk 15-minute walk reduces chocolate cravings. Or use your stopwatch as a tool: Force yourself to wait 20 minutes before giving in. Usually after 20 minutes have lapsed, the urge is no longer as strong. 

And try to avoid falling into the "I deserve it" mind-set. A 30-minute walk does not entitle you to inhale an entire pizza.   You have to avoid eating above and beyond what you need for recovery and wiping out the calorie deficit that you created during a workout—so make smarter food choices all day. 

Eat mostly whole, minimally processed foods rich in carbs, fiber, and protein. The latter two take longer to digest, keeping hunger at bay and helping you avoid eating more than you should. High-fiber foods (vegetables, fruits, grains) are often low in calories but filling, making them great for weight control.  Don't fill up on carbs from processed grains and sweets. Instead, carb-load with whole grains like brown rice and quinoa, which are more filling and nutrient-dense. And be sure to track what you eat: In general people tend to vastly overestimate the number of calories they burn, and underestimate the number of calories they consume.

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If I eat healthy during the week, can I splurge on weekends?

Hi there, this is Jonathan Clark from Lose Weight For Scotland – it’s my mission to Crush Obesity, Add Years To Your Life & help you to Look Good Naked!  I challenge Scots to lose 10 lbs of fat or gain 10 lbs of muscle, even if they’ve tried everything else, and it’s guaranteed.

One of the questions I get asked all the time is If I eat healthy during the week, can I splurge on weekends?

A: Saturday and Sunday represent about 30 percent of the week, so too many slipups will put you on bad terms with the scale. Dieters in a 2008 study dropped pounds during the week but stopped losing weight on weekends because they ate too much. 

It’s easy to cancel out five days’ worth of healthy eating with a weekend food fest. Consistency is key. Consume a similar number of calories on Saturday as you would a week day, she adds. Weigh yourself Friday and again on Monday. Any weekend weight gain is a sign you went overboard. On weekends, be sure to eat breakfast. Studies suggest that people who eat breakfast eat fewer calories later in the day. And give in to a treat during the week, so you don’t have the urge to splurge on Saturday.

A lot of experts recommend having a Cheat day – that’s one day in the week, usually at the weekend, where anything goes.  You can eat whatever you want.   It feels like a treat and gives you a reward for all your hard effort during the week.  So the idea is to deprive yourself of sugary snacks and cake til the cheat day [usually the weekend] and then savour every bite before you start another week of good behaviour.  That usually satisfies the beats for another week, and the spike in calories keeps your metabolism high cos your body doesn’t think its in survival mode – it thinks its found an oasis of plenty in the otherwise dry desert!  I know what you’re thinking – eating rubbish can help you lose weight!  Welcome to paradise J  Enjoy your cheat day guilt free.

Does eating breakfast help you lose weight?

Hi there, this is Jonathan Clark from Lose Weight For Scotland – it’s my mission to Crush Obesity, Add Years To Your Life & help you to Look Good Naked!  I challenge Scots to lose 10 lbs of fat or gain 10 lbs of muscle, even if they’ve tried everything else, and it’s guaranteed.  One of the questions I get asked all the time is Does eating breakfast help you lose weight?

Experts say: Yes.

There is no better way to get your metabolism going than eating a healthy breakfast, You see food actually increases your metabolic rate, and skipping breakfast can make your body think it’s going to be starved — sending it into "survival" mode and slowing your metabolism down.

Research shows that people who consume breakfast regularly are at healthier body weights. Why? Not only will your metabolism speed up, but eating breakfast helps with appetite control. If you skip breakfast, you tend to feel hungrier throughout the day, and once you get too hungry, you tend to choose less-healthy meal options.”

So breakfast is the way to go – whether you’re trying to lose weight, or build lean muscle.

Can I lose fat and gain muscle at the same time?

Hi there, this is Jonathan Clark from Lose Weight For Scotland – it’s my mission to Crush Obesity, Add Years To Your Life & help you to Look Good Naked!  I challenge Scots to lose 10 lbs of fat or gain 10 lbs of muscle, even if they’ve tried everything else, and it’s guaranteed.

One of the questions I get asked all the time is Can I lose fat and gain muscle at the same time?

The answer to this question really depends on your goals. For more advanced exercisers or bodybuilders looking to gain large amounts of muscle while losing large amounts of fat, those goals often conflict with one another. Building muscle requires eating more calories than you burn while losing fat requires eating fewer calories than you burn. When losing fat, your muscles aren't getting the fuel they need to grow larger.

However, the average exerciser looking to improve body composition can lose fat while improving lean body tissue over time and beginners will likely get the greatest benefits of both fat loss and muscle gain. In fact, one study found that women who followed a cardio and strength program for 6 months lost an average of 10 percent body fat while increasing their muscle by about 2.2 percent, while another study showed that men experience similar improvements after following a 16-week strength training program. This shows that beginners respond quickly and efficiently to strength training and cardio.

The key is to keep a balance of both cardio and strength training, whether you're a beginner or a more experienced exerciser. Doing all cardio with no strength training can actually harm your muscle mass, while doing only strength training without cardio can hurt your fat loss. If you're in that situation (e.g., a marathoner or a bodybuilder), your goals and training approach may be different. For the average exerciser, however, having a balance between the two is the best way to maximize fat loss while preserving muscle mass.

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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

How to lose weight becomes the next chapter for me...

Now how’s this for the power of the mind.  In 2005 Cheryl and I were planning to get married in Hawaii, and we quickly discovered that we were having issues with getting pregnant.  So when I learned that the hotel we were staying in had been built on the site of an old healing temple, I asked the Hawaiian elder for some help.  He told me about a fertility pond where the royalty would bathe on their wedding night, so we got permission to dip our toes in the waters.  Our son Luke was the result.  Coincidence?  Could be…

Life was good.  I had a successful business, we had our wee bundle of joy, I’m working from home and I’m exercising regularly and we’re enjoying a healthy diet…

Then something weird happened.  Everyone said “Aye you’re skinny now but wait till you hit your 40’s, then you’ll start putting the beef on.”  They were right – my wee boy started patting my stomach and calling me “Five Belly’s”.  Where had this disgusting band of jelly round my middle come from?  At night in bed I could actually feel it hanging to one side!  Eeuuww!  So I tried to cover it up and suck it in.

I tried Zumba DVD’s, took Herbalife shakes which tasted bland even though they’re full of sugar, cut off all the fat from meat, but nothing seemed to stop fat growing on me.  Before I did the programme, I could easily munch through a packet of chocolate digestives.  I’d say to my wife if you don’t buy them, then I can’t eat them. 

Funny how things turn out...

In 2013 a friend invited me to look at a new business that was coming from the States to the UK for the first time – a 90 day weight loss and fitness challenge with an 8 year proven track record.  At first I was sceptical and very cautious, but after meeting two great members of the company, and keen to drive a free BMW that the company would pay for, I decided to get involved.  Body By Vi launched Feb 7th 2014 so it’s brand new.  For the people who say they’ve tried everything – you ain’t tried this!  Originally designed to help athletes build lean muscle and take off fat, the company aimed it at the weight loss market and it became the #1 consumed shake in North America.

Vi have a great model – lose 10 lbs of fat, or gain 10lbs of muscle using their meal replacement shakes and cookies, and they’ll give you a free t shirt that money can’t buy, you go into a prize draw to win £600, and they donate 30 meals to children in need in your name.  And unlike the other supplements I’d tried, this stuff tastes like a McFlurry!  I recommend a shake that tastes like cake to people who like cake.  And the more you drink, the more you shrink!

37 days later I qualified for the BMW.  53 days later I’d gained 10 lbs of muscle, and lost 7 lbs of fat.  My energy was way up and my belly had gone.  And an underprivileged child received 30 meals as a result.  My first ever experience of weight loss for me personally, and now I have abs!  And because it’s a meal replacement I saved about £15 a week on the grocery bill.   I’m still eating chocolate biscuits, but I’m 47 and in the best shape I’ve ever been in,  and I actually like what I see in the mirror.  Can you say the same?  Do you look good naked?

You see, I love seeing the impact and surprise when an old problem has disappeared in only 90 days.    Only this morning I saw a news item about a deaf woman who had an implant fitted and you saw her reaction to hearing for the first time.  She was trembling with joy and elation.  I love helping people to feel like that.

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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Sick & tired of being sick and tired?

In 1986 I remember having pneumonia for the second time, lying in hospital on an drip, watching a small air bubble working its way down the tube and thinking to myself “That can’t be good” and I decided I’d had enough.  It was at this time that the doctor informed me that I had a suspected heart murmur into the bargain.  That pushed me over the edge.  Basically I got sick and tired of being sick and tired.

First thing I did as soon as I got out of hospital was buy a bike.  There was this hill outside the village where I lived, and my goal as to be able to cycle up that hill, even if it killed me.  Because of the pneumonia my lungs hurt like hell, but I got my head down and pedalled.  The hill was just too steep, so rather than look up at it I looked down at the white lines on the road and just pumped away.  At first I managed so far, 10 white lines, 12, then 15, then every day got a wee bit further.

After a few attempts I managed to reach the top.  So I kept going.  That stretch of road was called “The Fiddler’s Elbow” as it snaked around the fields with sharp 90 degree turns, high hedges on either side.  Week by week I pushed slightly further, which turned into a 2 mile cycle, then a 3 mile cycle.  Small baby steps, gradually increasing the load…

Sometime around then I stumbled across a great wee book on exercise and heart rate – I can’t actually recall what the book was called, but it got me training regularly within the right training zone.  Then I bought some weights, a bench, and kitted out my bedroom with equipment.  Plus a life size poster of Cory Everson [Ms Olympia at the time] to keep me motivated!    I was also trying every weight gain supplement and protein powder out there, and you probably know what a lot of meal replacements can taste like…  Then there’s trying to stay motivated and get yourself to exercise consistently – I’d have long periods of intense workouts, then months of “can’t be bothered”.  Know what I mean?

Eustress - Use The Stress

All the past health issues I turned around and as fuel to drive me towards health and fitness. But even though I was trying all these different things to change how I looked and stay healthy, I’d chop and change so often.  Nothing kept my interest for very long.  You get all excited about a new regimen, it’s new and fresh for a couple of weeks, then you get bored and gradually stop doing it.  So I got mixed results.

One day a friend of mine invited me along to a new martial arts class.  Whoah!  I’d grown up with “Enter The Dragon” and Marvel comics so I loved the idea, but I was the skinny specky asthmatic with zero coordination so what hope was there?  But despite my fears, I nervously went along, and met the Instructor – a tall skinny guy who was a world kickboxing champion.  64 of us enrolled that night.  7 years and 6 belts later I was the only one still training in Lau Gar Kung Fu.

Man I was fit.  We’d do 100 sit ups, 100 press ups, go running for 2 miles then come back and learn an hour’s syllabus 3 nights a week.  Looking back I didn’t really appreciate it at the time.  You don’t know what you’ve got, till it’s gone.

Now my brother had studied psychology, so I started to read all these thick, heavy books about Freud and Adler and traditional behavioural change.  But Freud said it would take 300 hours of therapy for the average person to change.  Mind you, Freud was a coke addict.  And if you prefer Carl Jung, well he based his psychological archetypes on the major arcana of the Tarot Cards.  So don’t preach to me about traditional routes.

So I started reading about personal development for my own benefit.  They say that people get into self-help books for one of two reasons – either inspiration, or desperation.  Well, I was pretty desperate!
Now I’m not a psychiatrist or psychologist – but I have now spent two decades in personal development helping people transform their lives – I’ve learned and taught advanced techniques like NLP [Neuro Linguistic Programming] and Hypnosis. 

  For me it was always about making changes.  If you’re not happy with the results you’re creating, then change what you’re doing.  Whining and complaining won’t make it any better, and nobody’s going to come and rescue you.  The sooner you realise it’s up to you, the better.  It’s what you do that counts.  So initially I did private therapy to help people and earn some money, and then started doing workshops to try and share this mind-set with as many people as possible.

  Then in the late nineties I came across a magazine article on the blossoming field of Life Coaching which had just arrived from the USA, and I saw a natural extension to what I was already doing.  Scottish people love American stuff don’t they?  So many Scots sing with American accents – have you ever noticed that? 

So… NLP helped me to help my clients clear up the mental clutter and limitations that hold us all back.  Life Coaching looks at the external factors that make you who you are – your health and eating habits, your family relationships, your intimate relationships, your management of money, your environment, and your career. And the great thing about it was that it could all be done over the phone – a weekly in depth chat with your own confidant who would never judge you – only gently explore, guide and help you move in baby steps towards your life goals.   No embarrassment, no shaming.  Now I had ways of dramatically improving my own life, and the lives of others, on both the inside and the outside.

And I slowly learned more about exercise, managing my diet, what internal dialogue to run in my head, how to avoid the numerous ailments that normal people get… and the people who knew me at school hardly recognise me now, because I’ve changed…

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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Lose weight for Scotland - the next part of the story...

Growing up in the 70’s we had a typical Scottish diet at the time – sugary cereal for breakfast before school, chip shop fritters and burgers for lunch, and a plate of stodge at night which invariably involved the deep fryer.  Add to the mix sweets and sugary drinks.  No wonder my dentist loved me.  No wonder I could barely stay awake in class.  I’d wake up knackered in the morning before I even started, and I’d collapse into bed at night.  In between I relied on coffee to keep me going – sometimes five mugs a day.  Can you relate to that?

I never drank water either.  So I was exhausted all the time, full of phlegm and had frequent headaches, but I just didn’t like the taste of water.  We probably lead pipes for all I know. 

And this was way before the invasion of McDonalds, Burger King, KFC and the fast food chains.  Cheap, tasty and convenient food full of fat, salt and sugar has made the problem ten times worse!  Just type “Bionic Burger” into Youtube and you’ll have your eyes opened.

Add to that I was the stereotypical specky asthmatic skinny weed.  The classic Ectomorph characterised by long and thin muscles/limbs and low fat storage; usually referred to as “Skinny Malinky Lang Legs”.  The classic “hardgainer” with a flat chest and fast metabolism.  All my life I got teased about my weight.  People don’t realise that it hurts just as much to be called “skinny rake” as it is to be called a “fat b*****d”.

P.E. at school was a weekly nightmare – I’d cover myself up, try to be last into the showers, wear clothes that disguised my build.  But in the gym and the football pitch there was nowhere to hide.  Problem was because of the asthma, after 5 minutes of running around I’d be leaning against the goal posts gasping for air.
At school I became terrified of reading aloud in class.  I’d get really scared, I’d break out in a sweat, I’d stutter and my chest would feel like it was going to burst and I couldn’t breathe… In fact I used to dodge English classes in case I’d have to read out loud.  Especially plays – where you can see your line coming closer as you go down the page and the closer it got the more nervous I became. 

I had a duodenal ulcer by the time I was sixteen because I was so nervous and timid with people.  Imagine that – I managed to burn a hole in my stomach with my brain.  What a crap superpower!  So at 20 years of age I’m on a drug called Tagamet which lines your intestines to prevent irritation.  I called it “an old man’s drug”.

I found it nearly impossible to say hello to people I knew!  I’d keep my head down, avoid eye contact, stay locked up tight and be shut down emotionally.  Can you relate to that at all?  You’ve probably heard the old cliché about FEAR – that it spells “False Evidence Appearing Real”, or as I prefer to say “F*** Everything and Run!” 

My Dad had to go for frequent check-ups and the last time I saw him was when I drove him back from Stonehouse Hospital for his routine medical.  I left him at the fireside with a cup of tea and went back to work.  My Mum found him dead on the carpet that night.  And can you guess when he died?  [Black] November 1991.  How’s that for the power of suggestion.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Weight watchers alternative - should I trust the scales?

Hi there, this is Jonathan Clark from Lose Weight For Scotland – it’s my mission to Crush Obesity, Add Years To Your Life & help you to Look Good Naked!  I challenge Scots to lose 10 lbs of fat or gain 10 lbs of muscle, even if they’ve tried everything else, and it’s guaranteed.

One of the questions I get asked all the time is “Is the bathroom scale the best way to measure the fitness I’m gaining and the pounds I’m losing?”

Here’s my opinion – the answer is No! Many people get frustrated when they step on the scale after weeks of exercising only to discover they’re the same weight. What they’re forgetting is that they very likely have gained muscle while they were losing body fat—a more positive health change than simply losing pounds.   Especially if you’re using weights or bodyweight resistance exercises like push ups and crunches.
Like in my last 90 day challenge, I gained 10lbs of muscle and lost 7 lbs of fat.  So the scales say I’m only 3 pounds heavier, but overall I’m much leaner and healthier.  Trust me = The more lean muscle you build the more fat you’ll burn – so it’s a generative change.

There are other, more telling ways to track your progress. You can use low cost calipers to track body-fat changes. Take the measurement about one inch above your right hip. Taking your waist, hip, and thigh measurements on a weekly basis will help you quantify exactly how many inches you’ve lost. And how are your jeans fitting? 

Every so often, try on that old pair—the ones you wore when you were at your feel-great weight. Once they fit, you’ll know you’re at a healthy weight. And use a belt. Counting the extra belt holes you move up is an easy way to get daily feedback on your weight.

You can also get scales that send a small micro current of electricity through your body, and they measure not only your body fat, but your lean muscle too.  That way you can see BOTH week by week.  You’ll get them in stores like Argos for under 20 quid.

To be honest most people care MORE about the inches than the numbers on scales.  Like I always say, if you weighed 20 stone but you looked like Jennifer Lopez, would you care?  So measure inches and not weight.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Get weight loss tips and learn how to lose weight fast 07798 708989

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A little bit of background

I help people change their lives.  To be honest I’ve always felt the desire to help people, and when I began to get results using these methods on myself, it never crossed my mind to work with others.  I never set out to be a therapist of Life Coach or Trainer – I was going to be a journalist.  But once you know how to change a food addiction, and your mate’s sister sitting next to you at dinner confides in you that she’s hooked on pizza, why wouldn’t you help?

That was always my core drive, and still is.  To help people.  Now I’m not a complete altruist, because it’s my business and I expect to be paid.  But that was my passion – Maybe you’ve seen “Star Wars”, when Obi Wan Kenobi told the Imperial Storm troopers “These aren’t the droids you’re looking for” and they let them pass, instantly changing their minds.  “Wouldn’t it be really cool to be able to do that!” I thought.  I want someone to come to me with a problem like “I’m comfort eating cos I’m depressed”, and with a wave of my hand I tell them “Stop it!” and they stopped.  That would be magic!  Real magic.

My own family health record was atrocious.  My Mum had high blood pressure and would later develop all sorts of weird and wonderful ailments, many of them rooted in fear and psychosomatic illness – what the dictionary defines as a physical disease that is thought to be caused, or made worse, by mental factors.  Even my brother had hospital treatment when he was very young.

See, we grew up in a small cottage in the middle of nowhere, with dogs in the house, mice in the garden and my Dad’s racing pigeon lofts at the bottom of the garden.  We didn’t get out of bed until the coal fire was lit and the water was warm enough to wash with.  There was asbestos in the roof tiles and house dust that looked like tumbleweeds.  My mates at school would be running round in short sleeved shirts and I’d be dressed like a spaceman I had so many layers on – and guess who caught the cold!  No surprise that I got ill at least twice a year, especially in November.

Funnily enough, my Dad used to refer to it as “Black November”.  He told me that in his lifetime November was always cold and dark and wet, and he’d get ill every November.  And he installed that into me as well.  He’d developed testicular Cancer and as a kid I remember him going for radiation therapy.  He’d beaten it, but later that would play on my mind, especially when my brother got ill.  My Dad also had a hard time breathing – years of working with homing pigeons had given him a condition called “pigeon lung”.  Cruel that his bobby actually harmed his health.

My earliest memory is waking up in Strathclyde hospital with pneumonia, aged 4.  I’m told I had been left outside in a pram and got sick.  I would catch pneumonia again in 1986 only six weeks into a new job. Another Christmas in hospital.  Somewhere in between I was told I had an allergy to house dust, so they took me into hospital and cut open one of my nostrils to make it wider.  How the **** does that work?