Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 3 of my 29th NLP Practitioner course, I ask for a volunteer and EVERY hand shoots up! You can't ask for better than that!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Best Teeth Whitening Advice In Glasgow For White Teeth at
The Best Teeth Whitening Advice In Glasgow For Glasgow White Teeth at

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Why isn't it easy to get what you want?

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably asked yourself the same question. Problem is, the most obvious answers – the ones everyone tells you – aren’t true…

It ISN’T about desire – you can desperately want a result and still never achieve it, can’t you?
It ISN’T determination – how many times have you vowed to change and still did nothing about it? Honestly, haven’t we all?
It ISN’T taking action – you can do all the right things, follow all the rules, and still have your hopes dashed. That ever happened to you?

Here's what it is:

If you can relate to the frustration of consistently being denied the things you really crave in your life – in spite of your best efforts and desire – then here’s the news:

*** Meet the “silent partner” who’s been running your life***

Imagine if you owned a small business and the wrong products are coming in, orders are getting mixed up, numbers don’t add up. You’re doing everything right but the results are all wrong, and you’re baffled. What’s going on?

Now imagine finding out that your silent partner – someone you rarely speak to or meet with – has been overriding all of your decisions and has been running the show himself!

This scenario takes place every day, only the business is your life, and the partner pulling the strings is your unconscious mind…

From the way you handle your money, the people you’re attracted to, the food you eat…even the state of your health…all of your behaviours, actions and attitudes are ruled by your unconscious mind.

These beliefs and habits have their origins in deep rooted past experiences that are often long-forgotten by you, but your unconscious mind NEVER forgets. And sometimes, like a scolded child, it overreacts and interprets events in a way that creates obstacles for you, AND YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON IN THERE!

Take weight loss for example. You can diet, exercise, stop eating carbs, hire a fitness trainer, do all the best things you can think of to lose excess pounds. But what if your unconscious mind thinks that the extra weight is “body armour” to protect you, or that to be powerful you’ve got to be big like Aunt Marjory was…? Guess who wins?

The same holds true in money, relationships, health, social life, any situation you can think of – if your logical conscious mind wants one thing, but your emotional unconscious mind likes things the way they are, good luck! Its simply not going to happen!

What if you could reprogram the unconscious, by learning to talk its language? And what if it could talk back? Whoah!

Once you know how to do that , you’ll be able to make changes that you’ve struggled with for years – even changes you might have thought were impossible for you, because you’ll be working WITH your silent partner, not AGAINST them. Imagine for a moment – if it has the power to stop you, what can you achieve with it working FOR you?

To find out what's REALLY holding you back, grab this free downloadable cheat sheet:

Hope you use it,

Why isn̢۪t it easy to get what you want? Here's what it is:
Funniest thing I've seen in years, but only for Glaswegians

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs SEO experts Now! at
10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs SEO experts Now! at
10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs SEO experts Now! at
10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Web SEO Now! at
10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Web SEO Now! at

Friday, September 10, 2010

Just stumbled on a testimonial from one of my students

Training NLP - a testimonial

Hi All,

I'd like to say I'm a student of Jonathan Clark's and that his courses are incredible. Or better.

Here's one example from his NLP Foundation ( Feb. 2005).

I had been having the same disturbing nightmares for 23 years which repeated every December. This all bubbled to the surface one morning, before class started. Jonathan stopped what he was doing, attended to me & helped me clear it in about 10 minutes.
That's right, a 23-year-old issue GONE in 10 minutes. If I remember, at the time, I thought it was pretty heavy stuff: something to do with death and dying.I just don't do that any more. His NLP and Huna mix was a neat tonic.

Then on the Master Pract. I had a whole lot of Huna fun. Still am.

Judy Coll
There IS such a thing as a free lunch, with NLP training for dessert at

Friday, September 03, 2010

Just finished reading a Huna training book again that I read 10 years ago and what a difference

Huna teachings - book review

I've just finished Kahuna Healing by Serge King, something like ten years after I
first read it, and its like I've never read it before. Isn't that weird when it
happens - like you're reading a book that's the same inside, but you're in a whole different place?

Polynesia is a triangle that stretches from New Zealand, to Hawaii and then to
Easter island - a huge area with thousands of miles between islands - but which
enjoyed commerce, trade and exploration long before Columbus sailed across the Atlantic. The Maori for instance have ancient navigation chants that reveal sailing directions to Hawaii. There were Hawaiian kahunas, Tahitian tahunas and Maori tohungas.

It is suggested that Captain Cook arrived on Hawaii not by coincidence, but by
kahuna telepathic suggestion - so he landed just in time for a festival dedicated to
the god Lono. [The kahuna had their own Hawaiian pantheon of gods but still recognised one ultimate God]. There was a God, but there was no "sinning" against that God. There was no concept of "sin". There are natural laws, like gravity and you can't sin against gravity.

This telepathic suggestion is one of a number of startling feats that the kahuna were reputed to be able to do. Walking on lava, healing the sick. Unlike the Boston missionaries who couldn't do either. Yet the kahuna are [were] ordinary men and women who trained to develop abilities we all have latent within ourselves. Plus studying and practicing empowering beliefs and mental disciplines. [Its interesting that the author proposes that presently held beliefs seem to influence healing more than past memories.]

On Huna and physical healing - the body is an intensely energised thought form, a concept from the Higher Self expressing itself in the material world as a physical form, modified by the beliefs of that person's conscious mind, and maintained by the unconscious mind. I love that stunningly simple metaphor. There's the car factory, the driver, and the on board computer. Your body is the vehicle that you use to project your intention into the physical world, and the means by which you gain feedback from doing so.

The Higher Self creates the blueprint of the body and downloads that to the unconscious mind whose job it is to run and maintain that blueprint. However, it is continually subjected to the learned beliefs of the conscious mind. Any illness or disease is where these 3 minds are in conflict with one another.

A great place to see this effect is in the area of western civilisation and its beliefs about health. We're conditioned by the health & fitness industry that slim is desireable and healthy. Fat is ugly and unhealthy. But let's face it, you get thin people who are ill, and fat people who are healthy. Super fit athletes die every day, and chain smoking old codgers can live a century or more.

Disease may be the result of the conscious minds learned thinking patterns being in conflict with the unconscious mind's blueprint. Its not the MacDonalds burger that kills you, its what you think about the burger. [see also "Zero Limits" by Joe Vitale and Dr Hew Len]. Swine flu affects people more because of the media hype than the flu itself. Beliefs are the root of illness in Huna. Epidemics may have more to do with the individual's reaction to social proof then bacteria. Thus Huna includes suggestions and belief changes as a natural part of the therapy intervention. Faith in the cure leads to the success of the cure.

But kahuna were sought and followed not by reputation, but by their results. "Ye shall know them by their fruits". They were known for their proven abilities and knowledge, and didn't actually have to be of Hawaiian descent. Serge states that the knowledge is alive and operating today, but just isn't obvious.

There's a fascinating section on emotions, and Serge states that the kahuna see emotion as simply a flow of energy through the body. The sensation of guilt or attraction are much the same, but its the thoughts and self-talk that accompany the sensations that tell you what to call it. Try that one on! An adept kahuna can generate, direct, change or dissolve any emotion at will. That's why I say all NLP is Huna.

Most interesting is the discussion on "thought forms" - kahuna didn't recognise the concepts of a devil or demons, or wandering spirits of the dead. They classed these as man-made thought forms. The only demons are the ones you believe in.

On the matter of a client who is treated, and then the problem returns - the suggestion is that the client failed to change their thought patterns, and therefore the body simply went back to its learned way of being.

Overall I've thoroughly enjoyed re-reading this book and heartily recommend it. I read it years ago, and I'll probbaly come back to it years from now. And that's in keeping with a nice quote from page 70:

"The present is the fruit of the past, and the seed of the future"

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Worth checking out this skin care competition if you're in the Glasgow area