Friday, December 14, 2007

Retreat Question # 2

This update covers most frequently asked Question # 2 about our new "Release Retreat" in Spain.

[We already addressed the # 1 question: "Exactly how much will it cost to spend 5 days in a luxury Retreat in Spain?" in the Blog entry below.]

QUESTION: "What subjects will be covered on the Retreat and what will I actually learn?"

BACKGROUND: I ran an online survey to find out exactly what my clients wanted in terms of seminar topics. I received all kinds of email and I was surprised to see the entries coming in. Gradually a popular set of choices started to appear as people "voted" through the options I'd given. The most common problems my clients have fall into three areas:
  1. Too much to do, too little time
  2. Never enough money
  3. Low energy and tired

SOLUTION: Now I think that's amazing, because those are what I teach as the 3 sources of personal power. What that means is, you only ever have 3 things that you can save up, invest into anything, or spend on anything. Time, Money and Energy. And you usually can't have one without spending one of the others. Making money takes an investment of energy and it takes time. Very often you have no time because you're too busy trying to make money. And that also can steal all your energy. Do you see?

So we've put together a series of afternoon seminars that cover solutions to all 3:

We are going to have a look at your health & energy, and the perspectives we are going to use are both ancient (Huna from Hawaii, and Feng Shui) and modern (NLP & Life Coaching).

There will be two intense sessions on money - how to earn more, save more and spend more. Throughout the week there will be prizes given out. Everyone has a chance to win free seminar places, free life coaching, books, tapes, and gift vouchers!

The third main topic will be time - we'll look at retraining your mindset around busyness and priority, as well as handing you a wealth of clever tricks and tips to get more done in less time. We want you to release any stress you bring with you at the Retreat, and change the rules so that when you go home you are equipped to manage your time better... forever!

BOTTOM LINE: Our intention is that by the time you get back you will have a wealth plan to get you out of debt [if you are, and most are], run your finances more intelligently and build a secure future so you're financially independent within 5-7 years. You'll be brimming with energy, you'll have recharged your batteries and will have ways to clear out the energy suckers and boost your oomph anytime you need it. And you'll get more done in a day than most people get done in a week, and it will be on your terms, not someone elses...

Stay tuned for more details. Our anticipated "go live" date is now Friday the 14th of December at 5pm. The best way to stay informed about The Release Retreat is by joining my announcement list...see details below.

The Retreat Announcement List

If you haven't already joined my Retreat list and gotten your Sneak Preview of the event, just send an email to and title it "Retreat".

Take care,


Saturday, December 08, 2007

Retreat Question # 1

I have had three most frequently asked questions from my clients about the impending launch of The Retreat in Spain. This update will address the # 1 question...

QUESTION: Exactly how much will it cost to spend 5 days in a luxury Retreat in Spain?

BACKGROUND: A couple of months ago I let slip to my clients that I was getting ready to release an exclusive Retreat in the Murcia region of Spain and I wanted it to be a healthy detox experience for the mind and the body.

That was followed up with an online survey to find out exactly what my clients wanted in terms of seminar topics, accomodation levels, right down to the number of fellow students they'd feel comfortable being with. Between 20 and 30 students class size was most popular.

That survey set off a bit of a firestorm from my client list. I received scores of replies within a few hours of announcing it, and I was surprised to see the entries coming in. Gradually a popular set of choices started to appear as people "voted" through the options I'd given. One of the questions was "What price is MORE than you'd be willing to pay for such a Retreat?"

And to tell the truth, that was something I was struggling with... and one of the reasons why the launch was delayed from [originally] November to January 2008.

Our survey said anything over £1497 was too much.

I had to get quote after quote from the venue in Spain, haggle costs and negotiate terms so that it would be a win/win for everyone. It was imperative that we kept the standards very high, but kept the price below the most popular ceiling.

The cost of the Retreat is basically made up of Hotel Room reservations, Meeting Room costs, Audio Visual equipment, refreshments, and meals. Obviously my co-trainer and I want to be paid well for doing what we do, but my database had already told me how much they would be willing to spend Maximum.

Total cost for 30 people kept on coming out as £1595 per head, before we added flights.

SOLUTION: So given that background, we decided to take a rather unusual step. We have based all of our quotations around a group of 20 participants - 20 being large enough to secure a bigger group discount with the venue.

And, students will be asked to book their own return flights to Spain - we just can't factor that in and keep costs below the £1500 ceiling.

So the Retreat in January 2008 will cost £1497.

In addition, places will only be available for a few weeks over Christmas and New Year, because the world class resort we've booked want final numbers by a certain deadline.

Once those 20 places are gone, or once the time limit is up, we will close the doors to this event.

At that point I will review the costs of the Retreat and make sure that its satisfactory for the venue, for me AND MOST IMPORTANTLY for the 20 participants.

Now to be brutally honest with you, I think the first 20 places will be snapped up quickly, based on the response I've had so far. I've never seen one of my events get such a rapid and large response so quickly.

If [and I hope when] I do open up this event again, I will probably raise the price drastically. This Retreat is just not something I'm looking to fill with scores of people...the nature of this event is that it is small and intimate. Raising the price will have two effects - it will keep the numbers down by virtue of the price, and it will help pay us back for the enormous effort and cost creating and coordinating this event over 2 countries.

BOTTOM LINE: We have secured the Retreat at the most popular price of £1497 which includes accomodation, food, and workshops. Flights are not included, but they are cheap, especially if you book them early.

Initial places will be limited to 20, or however many we have shortly after the New Year. And the only people who currently know about this event are the loyal clients and customers on my mailing list. It will be opened to public bookings next week.

Stay tuned for more details. Our anticipated "go live" date is this coming Monday the 10th of December. The best way to stay informed about The Retreat is by joining my announcement list...see details below.

The Retreat Announcement List

If you haven't already joined my Retreat list and gotten your Sneak Preview of the event, just send an email to and title it "Retreat".

Take care,


Friday, November 30, 2007

Retreat Announcement & A Favour

Hi there,

Jonathan Clark here, and I need to ask you for a favour...

We are REALLY close to completing our long-awaited Spanish Retreat which will be held in January 2008 and will be open to the public within the next 10 days...

We have literally been working on this all-out for the last 2 months solid, putting together the ideal package as voted for in an email survey that you probably took part in. But before we roll it out officially, we need to ask you a couple of questions. Can you help us out?

The Retreat will be 5 days in the Murcia region of Spain, in a world-class luxury location, with your mornings free to relax, roam around the area, get massages, swim or choose from a long list of healthy activities. Your afternoons will start with an after-lunch meditation then workshops with 2 successful seminar leaders right up till dinner, then evenings to spend as you like.

We are going to focus on your 3 main sources of personal power - time, money and energy, and we are going to show you exactly how to master all three. You will come back with a whole new set of lifeskills, recharged batteries and a tan if you want one ;-)

HOWEVER we need your help. Before we finalise everything and open the website up to the general public, we need to make sure we've covered everything. That is where you come in...please take a minute to answer this super-short survey - there are only 2 questions.

You can answer the questions [and get the FIRST sneak preview of our amazing venue] at this web page:

Many thanks in advance,


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Final Huna Training

This is just a short message to invite you one last time to my final Huna training of 2007.

But be warned - this seminar contains sacred knowledge and practices from old Hawaii that were illegal to teach right up until 1989.

Can you believe that? In the nation that promotes free speech, theHawaiian people were banned from teaching their original system of psychology, healing, spirituality and magic. That's why its not easy to find quality information, never mind quality training inHuna.

I trained over 3 years in Hawaii and have been given permission to teach Huna. Its an honour, because of the sheer number of changes it makes to people's lives, including:

You have more energy, and can summon it whenever you need it

You get in touch with your spirituality

You can create almost magical change

You dissolve toxic relationships

You clear out negative emotions and past hurts in seconds!

You become calmer and healthier

Never mind the exoteric magic secrets that we teach you...

If you really want to expand your horizons and evolve yourself meaningfully then I invite you to come and spend a very special 5 days with me starting Monday December 3rd...

If its not for you, then thanks for reading. But if it is, go to

Thank you, or "mahalo" as they say in Hawaii.

Jonathan Clark

Alakai'i Ho'omanaloa [teacher & initiator]

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Adapt Or Suffer...

Did you notice that the early 90’s changed the world? There were massive social and economic shifts. The first was global competition – if you work for a company, that company now has worldwide competition. An old school friend of mine makes hearing aids. But their competitor makes them for half the cost in Vietnam. So his job is about to go.

Shift 2 was mini computerisation - it created laptops and mobiles, DVD and iPods – and frankly, humans can’t compete with these never-complaining tools.

Shift 3 was instant information – endless channels of digital TV, Broadband, email. Information overload has created a world that is crazy busy, wants instant gratification and has a short attention span. You can find out anything about anything within minutes thanks to the internet.

It used to take a generation to go through these changes. We’ve gone through them in a few years.

And it was done using “Mass Marketing” - where the media blanket brainwashed everyone into buying brand products. Nowadays its individualised marketing aimed at you if you’re the target client they want to reach – that’s why your credit card transactions get logged and you receive more and more junk mail and email about tings that you like.

Mass marketing was simple when there were only 3 TV channels. Now there are TV channels devoted to just one target client. It’s not about selling anymore. It’s about building long term relationships with specific people.

The world has changed from local markets to global markets. Look at how many high street shops and banks that are closing. Frankly, it’s cheaper to run a call centre and a website, than having to pay staff, rent, rates and maintain hundreds of premises across the country. The high street is doomed. The internet makes going global instantly available to anyone, right now. Teachers are having to be careful with Myspace and Facebook in case their pupils learn their personal stuff.

People are no longer willing to wait for 2 weeks for a book from the bookstore. Amazon can do it overnight. The world is going digital. No post office queues, no waiting. The downside? Our kids know more about it than we do.

We need to be resilient, adaptable, or we’re dinosaurs. Rigidity and stubbornness will kill you. “Hardening of the attitudes” is terminal. Flexibility, being able to learn and being able to use a keyboard will allow you/

Read the rest of this article here

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Thank You...

Hi there,

A couple of months ago I asked for some help - I asked you to help me design the ideal Spanish Retreat.

The response was ASTOUNDING! Within 24 hours I had hundreds of responses, and they've helped me to refine the course so it includes everything you want out of 5 days in the sun.

If you haven't had your say yet, please click here to specify what you'd like to see.

Now here's the thing - a few years ago one of my earliest students, a lovely guy with a heart of gold and the funniest man you'll ever meet, well he went through an awful personal tragedy. He ended up relocating to Spain with his wee boy, and we were talking about running an exclusive course over there together. I wanted to contribute because I felt he was due some good fortune.

What's really amazing is how quickly and easily this has all fallen into place. Wait till you see the photos!! We have a luxury destination with flights, transport and accomodation all inclusive - all you do is book one of the priority places and we'll take care of everything.

Soon you'll be able to fine tune your life, detox your head and recharge your body - all at the same time. But we can only take a small group at a time.

Watch this space...

Monday, November 12, 2007

Become A Client Magnet...

Do you run your own business?
Are you a Coach?
Are you a complementary therapist?
Could you do with more customers next week?
Do you long to be free & work for yourself?

"Announcing The Most Complete, A To Z Practice Building System That Shows You Exactly How To Become A ‘Client Magnet’...

Exclusive & unique marketing & positioning programme will fill your books with paying customers…

Dear Friend,

If you'd like to run your own lucrative business, be paid to do what you love to do and work the hours that suit you, then this might be the most important message you'll ever read.

Here's why:

I’m going to make a promise to you that no one else - anywhere - is willing to make: I’m going to show you exactly how I run my business. From start to finish.

This is your personal invitation to my “Client Magnet” Practice Building crash course – a brand new one day event which I’m holding at Parklands Country Club, Newton Mearns, Glasgow on Saturday 24th November.

I consistently run a full diary each and every month with my Therapy, Coaching, & Training Practices, as well as selling digital and physical products to individuals, to Companies and on the internet. And I have been for years now. Of course I do NOT make any claim whatsoever that you will be able to do the same. I don’t know you. I don’t know your work ethic. All I’m going to do is show you how I’ve generated income - like clockwork - day in and day out for the past sixteen years.

In reality, there are only 6 steps to bringing in clients like clockwork: click here

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Ever Wanted To Have Your Own Business?

Have you ever wondered just how much you'd make selling sponge cakes using your mother's recipe?

Ever thought about making a living on Ebay?

Hankering to use your NLP and HGE skills in your own therapy, consulting or coaching practice?

Every day I deal with clients who either long to, or are in the process of, running their own business to earn money doing something they love to do. My favourite kind of Coaching is working with a new entrepreneur - maybe a massage therapist or a newly qualified Coach, and helping them position themselves in the market, create an irresistible offer and start to get their first paying clients. It's an exciting time.

The way I started in the early 90's is DEFINITELY NOT the way I would recommend you launch now.

And I think its simple. Its maybe not easy, but it is simple. There are straightforward steps you can take to practically ensure you'll make profit in the first 30 days [assuming its a service business and not a product manufacturing company - that takes longer]. What it takes is discipline, bloody-mindedness and a game plan modelled from someone who's done it.

And only 19% of businesses survive the first year - did you know that? There are so many pitfalls and mine fields people get sucked into, often because they followed the advice of someone who's paid £20K a year to dish out advice [and that's exactly the WRONG person to listen to, cos they're not risking anything, its not their business and they're an employee fer gawd's sakes!]

That's why I've put together a simple road map that anyone can follow. I'm just about to unveil my One Day Crash Course in how to build a profitable business from scratch.

You can get a sneak peak by going to this web page.

One last thing. Just suppose for a minute that you were dreaming of having your own business... What are your 2 biggest questions that you'd ABSOLUTELY have to have answers to before you'd even consider it for real?

Use the "Comments" link to post your questions and I'll answer them in my next posts.

What if you didn't need to get up early tomorrow because your monthly income already exceeded your outgoings....?

Friday, November 02, 2007

Huna Last Chance...

Just a last chance reminder here...

If you haven't already secured your place on my One Day Huna Taster this coming Saturday in Glasgow, you only have about 27 hours left. The deadline is 5pm on Friday the 2nd [mainly
because I'm at a wedding reception on Friday night and I won't be reading emails when I get home late!]

Remember the special offer: I know for a fact that once you get a taste for this magical method you'll probably want more, so I'm going to take the £147 price of the one day November taster off of the £1407 fee for the 5 day course in December.

In other words, if you do the one day taster and then decide Huna is for you, you can deduct the money you've already paid from the December training. That's a 10.4% discount.

Here's what you'll cover on Saturday November 3rd:

Ho'o Ponopono - the cutting connections process, which most people find profoundly moving and freeing the first time they do it, dropping toxic relationships and forming new ones. Elegant way of getting unwanted "stalkers" to leave you alone.

Higher Self Therapy - quicker and deeper than Time Line or EFT, this is a stunningly quick but powerfully way to let go of anger, sadness, fear, whatever in seconds! Honestly! Finally clear out stuff from your past.

Higher Self Connection - Usually brings tears of joy to people's eyes when they physically touch their Higher Self, then meditate with it for the first time. Always make the right decision and learn more about yourself.

Ha Breathing - using breathwork to raise your energy whenever you want, burn fat and calm the mind all at once. Heal yourself and help others make positive changes.

Here is the web page to go to:

or call Eileen on 0800 072 5792.

If you haven't booked yet, then there is still some room. By the way,
I've never held this kind of intimate, one day Huna seminar before -
they are usually at least 2 days long, so this is going to be packed.

Now I'm off to buy a nice new shirt for the wedding...

Take care,

Jonathan Clark

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Hawaiian Huna teacher releases…

"Announcing 20 Simple Steps To Stop Your Fears From Holding You Back…
Here’s How To Dance Rings Round Problems And Stop Stressing About Barriers …In 25 Minutes Or Less"

From the desk of Jonathan Clark
Founder & Developer of HGE™
Glasgow, Scotland

Dear Reader,

If you'd like to feel firmly back in control of your life, anticipate problems, conquer them in advance and create almost magical change, then this might be the most important message you'll ever read.

Here's why:

I am [with your permission] going to send you a copy of a unique closed eye process that fuses together ancient Hawaiian Huna, with state of the art psychological techniques. And it’s called “The I’o Process”

Think about it. Do you regularly feel that you’re up against a stubborn barrier, pounding your head against a solid brick wall? If you’re finding it increasingly difficult to swim upstream against a raging current, then this will help.

Don’t fret. Chances are there’s nothing seriously wrong, you’re probably just not aware yet that you can use mental techniques to crush the opposition. Now, you're probably wondering how and why we can do all those things.

Let me explain.

I actually went to Hawaii and was privileged to spend several months being trained in Huna by actual masters themselves – people who had the concealed spiritual, healing and magic teachings passed down from generation to generation. On my last initiation, I was granted permission to teach these skills and now I’m using modern technology to do that.

In essence, I’m using 21st Century methods to teach ancient psychology and mysticism. And this is just one of the powerful discoveries I made.

To fully explain how the I'o Process works, I need to fill you in on two different concepts -"Dichotomies", and "I'o"

A Dichotomy is where something has been split into two opposing sides, such as night and day, black or white, Yin and Yang, Good vs. Evil.

In your life that might show up as lots of money vs. being broke, or loads of customers vs. struggling business, or perfect health vs. chronic condition.

From a metaphysical point of view, creation takes place when one thing is divided into two things, that then act and react upon each other. Think of how babies are conceived and how cells divide. The two opposite extremes then act against each other, and energy fluctuates between both.

Just like when two people fall madly in love and want to be constantly together all the time, until one of them decides they feel smothered and needs space. Until they begin to yearn for each other again. Do you know what I’m talking about?

Oddly enough, the creation ends when the two sides are resolved or absorbed back into one. So for example, imagine a Post Office strike with the Union against the Management. Once negotiations are over, you have just the Royal Mail again.

When one side of a dichotomy is created, the other comes into existence simultaneously. Equally, when one side of the dichotomy is eliminated, the other ceases to exist at the same moment. It’s all very abstract and fascinating.

Now psychologist Carl Jung once said that if you repress a bubbling emotion at the unconscious level, it MUST appear in your life outside of you for balance. In other words, if you stifle some internal conflict, it will crystallise in 3D to get your attention and as Jung said, "You will call it fate!"

Isn't that so true though? The more you wish something horrible away, the worse it seems to get. The very thing you dread happens...

So the position of power is to rise above both sides and see the bigger picture, where there is harmony and calm. Think about ACAS or the UN Negotiation people coming in to resolve a dispute.

The I'o Process is the Facilitator.

For the rest of the story on this new audio CD, click here

Monday, October 29, 2007

Only 5 days left...

Scroll down to the bottom of this post for a Huna gift, or read on first...

As you probably know, on December 3rd I'm holding my "Miracles On Demand" 5 Day Huna intensive seminar in Glasgow. This is a full blown training in the spiritual, meditation, healing and magical science of Hawaiian Huna, ending in an Initiation and a formal welcome in to the lineage.

Now a lot of the clients on my mailing list like yourself have
already called and emailed to say that at that time of the year
they won't find it easy to take 5 full days off work to attend,
what with Christmas Parties and skeleton staff and all that. Or
they simply don't have the annual leave to spare.

What several subscribers asked for was if I could teach them the
core Huna techniques over a weekend instead. There are several
"bits" of Huna that they had read about in my book or have seen
used in my live courses. If that could be done on a weekend, then most people find its easier to do a seminar.

So FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER I'm offering a One Day Huna "Taster" Day on Saturday November 3rd, and you only have 5 more days to book your place. I'm only going to take another 12 people on this one-off Huna crash course, so you have a few days left to decide...

Some of you have emailed me to say I didn't give you much notice, and you may have prior arrangements for this Saturday. I want to apologise about the short notice - I've been working extremely hard trying to pull this together, liaising with the venue. All they could give me was this one day slot.

Now if you've already decided that the one day course is right for you then just reserve your seat at, or call
Eileen on 0800 072 5792. And if it's not for you, then give it a miss and delete this email.

There's one more thing though. I know for a fact that once you get a taste for this magical method you'll probably want more, so I'm going to take the £147 price of the one day November taster off of the £1407 fee for the 5 day course in December.

In other words, if you do the one day taster and then decide Huna is for you, you can deduct the money you've already paid from the December training. That's a 10.4% discount.

Here's what you'll cover on Saturday November 3rd:

Ho'o Ponopono - the cutting connections process, which most people find profoundly moving and freeing the first time they do it, dropping toxic relationships and forming new ones. Elegant way of getting unwanted "stalkers" to leave you alone.

Higher Self Therapy - quicker and deeper than Time Line or EFT,
this is a stunningly quick but powerfully way to let go of anger, sadness, fear, whatever in seconds! Honestly! Finally clear out stuff from your past.

Higher Self Connection - Usually brings tears of joy to people's
eyes when they physically touch their Higher Self, then meditate
with it for the first time. Always make the right decision and
learn more about yourself.

Ha Breathing - using breathwork to raise your energy whenever you want, burn fat and calm the mind all at once. Heal yourself and help others make positive changes.

Maybe you're not even sure what Huna is in the first place. If
that's the case, I have a gift for you. If you go to you can replay a 1 hour 40 minute Introduction to Huna teleseminar that I ran earlier this month. You can even save the recording to your PC or iPod. This will tell you if Huna is for you.

Finally, I'm completely swamped with email and phone calls right
now. I will definitely answer all questions and queries, but it
might take a bit longer than usual.

Take care,

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

How Initiation Into Spirituality Creates Magical Changes In Your Personal Growth…

As a teacher of esoteric studies, I have the honour of conducting Initiations once or twice every year. This is an obscure and greatly misunderstood concept for most people. Plus modernisation has gradually killed off many traditional rites of passage.

Some everyday Initiations you may already be familiar with:

Christening. Baptism. Bar or Bat Mitzvah. Induction into any institution. Your first day of school. University Matriculation Day. Graduation Day. The rigorous training of the armed forces. The first day of a new job. Joining the local Golf or Rugby Club. The Freemasons. American Fraternity Houses. The Mile High Club.

In a new job, the Initiation may be simply learning the ropes, being taught procedures, where to put your coffee mug and what time the “in crowd” work till. You usually get a special “tome” full of arcane laws and guidelines that no one really ever reads. There may even be a joining fee.

History shows that medicine, physics, chemistry, reading, mathematics, writing, astronomy and anatomy were all at one time “occult” secret arts. In the modern world, you were probably initiated into most of those before you were 16 years old.

Definition from The Oxford Dictionary:

Initiation [v] – to begin and admit a person with introductory rites into secrets, mysteries or science. Latin root “initium” means “to begin”. So it’s a rite of passage ceremony, which signifies the transformation of an individual into a higher, more desired level of identity.

Initiate [n] – the person who has been initiated

Imagine you want to join an exclusive members-only social club. You can walk up to the building, but the people on the door will usher you away unless you’re a member. However, if you have a friend who is already a member, you will walk up the steps together and will be given a warm reception. Now you have access to higher powers [in this case the social, economic and prestige benefits of club membership] as well as the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual changes initiation brings about.

Now if you don’t have a friend who’s already a member, the alternative is to keep going over to the club, getting your face known, trying to schmooze the doorman and occasionally peeking through the window to see what’s going on inside. The way people do that is by reading books and trying things out haphazardly.

Unfortunately enlightenment doesn’t come from books – it is experience alone that brings realisation.

Initiation gives you membership, companionship with like-minded individuals and access to deeper and broader levels of insight and power. In many systems, it is believed that many of your new contacts will be previous Initiates who are no longer with us. Initiation gives you nothing in tangible terms. Instead, it allows you to begin a particular system or practice.

Practical training involves:

• Training the physical body – a regimen of toughening, strengthening and purifying. This is usually achieved through exercises, breathing, and postures
• Learning how to control your emotions. Feel the full range of positive and negative. Be able to accept and release the painful, and bask in the pleasant. Never be at the beck and call of involuntary emotion.
• Training the mind to focus on what you want and to eliminate the “noise”. Train up the laser-like focus. Develop discipline and single mindedness on your outcome. This is one purpose for ritual and ceremony. You’ll soon learn if you have the discipline to practice every single day. Learn how to and consistently practice meditation – stillness of the mind
• Conscious knowledge of logic and philosophy giving you the full range of thinking on all logical levels, as recommended by Aristotle.
• Develop and utilise the imagination. What the mind can conceive it can achieve. All physical manifestation first requires the spark of creativity.

Science starts with reference experience data then searches for principles to explain it. Experiment leads to knowledge. “I’ll believe it when I see it”. Proof is required to prove something is real.

Esoteric study begins with the guiding principles, then watches for reference experiences to back them up. Knowledge leads to experiments. “I’ll see it when I believe it”. Faith is required to know something is real.

A spiritual initiation is therefore the process through which a student is given access to deeper layers of knowledge and practice [often called secrets] by their teacher or mentor.

In the worlds of mysticism and esoteric study, this is purported to cause a fundamental shift within the person being initiated. The initiator, bearing a certain power or state, transfers this to the person being initiated. Symbolically this is a simultaneous death and rebirth, because not only is it a beginning, its also an ending of sorts as the student ascends to a new level.

Very often you would be given a new name, a magical name. One of the many reasons for that was to reinforce the change in your identity.

Fully initiated means devotion to the mystic, occult wisdom and contact with natural forces. It also brings with it the Fraternity and comradeship with the group or “family” you are initiated into. Because you don’t start off born with mystic, magic or psychic abilities – you have to learn and practice them. The training and guidance is there if you’re willing to do the work. Unfortunately more people read about esoteric study than practice. The real measure of a spiritual initiate is how they demonstrate it in real life, not their intellectual knowledge. It’s what you do that counts.

This was repeatedly stressed by Dion Fortune who lived from 1891 – 1946 [real name Violet Firth] – a member of The Hermetic Order Of The Golden Dawn [a magic organisation formed in the 1880’s], prolific author, psychologist, Christian and psychic.

She recommended an Initiate should be living a normal life and not be closed off in a secret order. Remember where Obi Wan Kenobi lived? You don’t want to become the eccentric weirdo in the woods!

You also don’t want to be a “fair weather” devotee. You know, the type who practices religiously on Sundays, but lets charity, forgiveness and moral fortitude slip a little from Monday to Saturday!

An initiate’s mindset should be centred around the approach that he or she has been initiated into. So no matter where you are, who you’re with or what you’re doing, you always have the method’s philosophy in the back of your mind.

There are three Initiators in your path – the first great initiation begins with your birth, the second is from your teacher, the third and most important are the lessons you learn through your life experience and learning’s from Higher Self.

The real question is the issue of authority – who is in charge, and what their intentions are. This is often abused and therein lie all the horror stories you might have thought this article was about.

And “as within so without”. Be wary of the Initiate who has no money, dysfunctional relationships and emotional baggage. The outer signs of the effects are usually the symptoms of the inner causes. If a person is lacking in the everyday world, they probably lack in the esoteric world too.

Finally, know that many believe it takes three lifetimes to become an initiate. So the sooner you start the better!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Launch Your Own Powerfully Positioned Practice

The Most Important Part Of Your Marketing Is How Your Business is POSITIONED In Your Industry - Here's How To Gain Competitive Advantage...

How To Ethically Stop Prospects From Ever Going To Your Competitors Again

Inside Secrets On How To Position Yourself As A Specialist...Finally Revealed

Open Your Customers' Mind Like a Crowbar With the Right Name

The 1 Major Reason You Probably Look Like An "Also-Ran"

The Fastest Ways To Cut Through The Fog And Get Noticed

How To Build Credibility & Trust As Quickly As Humanly Possible

Finally Get Some Respect In Your Field

What Top Professionals Do To Slash Buying Resistance

Forget Going Head To Head With The Big Names - You Don't Need To!

Are Your Competitors Destroying Your Reputation? - 3 Ways To Stop Them Now!

Fascinating interview I held with BAFTA winner Bryan Larkin available here

Introduction to Hawaiian Huna Day

If You've Had Problems In The Past Working Hard To Make Life Easier, Then You'll Want To Know All About Ancient Huna Magic That Makes It Easy To Create Change Within Days...

But be warned - this seminar contains sacred knowledge that was illegal to teach until 1989…

If you are ready to grow and evolve yourself meaningfully, I invite you to come and spend a very special "taster day" with me…

WORKSHOPS on Shamanism, Native American and similar kinds of teachings are more popular than ever before. You may have noticed that in the last 20 years more and more people have become interested in these traditions. You are hereby invited on a unique seminar on the master system of them all – Huna.

In Hawai'i, the teaching of Huna was originally called Ho'omana (to make "Mana", or life force energy). Equivalent to Ki (as in Aikido), Chi (as in Tai Chi) or Shakti or Prana in the Sanskrit language. Better than being drained, heavy and sluggish all the time.

Think about it. Everything you do requires energy, and the more energy you have, the more you can achieve. It’s all about making connections with sources of Mana, and there are ways to do that.

Now is the time for the revival of ancient teachings – a shift is occurring…

In short Huna is the original art and science of healing and spiritual development of the Hawaiian people. It is not for everyone, but it is for those who want to know more about who we are and the nature of the world we live in.

Huna is rumoured to be the source of a lot of other esoteric disciplines, such as Chinese Medicine, Energy Healing and Shamanism.

Maybe you’ve tried all the goal setting, achiever, “if it’s to be it’s up to me” syndrome. You’ve enjoyed the house, the car, the money in the bank, the social circle, the good job……and yet there’s still something missing?

You see, goals without a higher purpose lack passion or deep meaning. Perhaps you have an inkling…..a hunch…that something more spiritual is the place to go next. Maybe you, like me, have a “calling” – that something calls to you for some inexplicable reason.

There’s a great quote that said “Religion is what people do to avoid going to hell. Spirituality is what people do once they’ve been there!”

It seemed that most people don’t think about spirituality, or want to, until

1 Crisis – and they have to look beyond their usual coping strategies
2 Touched by something (you see, read, hear, etc) that’s spiritual
3 Spiritual experience – that wakes them up
4 Suggested (by somebody) as advice to look into

So that’s what led me to Huna – an outlook, a mindset that comes with a whole bunch of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual tools that grow and advance you the more you use them. And I’m inviting you to come and discover them with me.

You’ll have less problems, drop toxic acquaintances, feel better more of the time, have the money you need, live as you wish, get in touch with your higher purpose and give off a vibe that others want.

Some of the topics we'll cover in this intensive one day intro include:

Huna model of Conscious Mind, Unconscious Mind, and Higher Self

Hoo Aka Manawa: Clearing out past limitations like anger, fear or guilt

Hoo ponopono: Powerful process to clear and heal relationships in support of your evolution

Ha Breathing: Controlling your state and energy using breath

Hakalau: the shaman state, calm and relaxed yet completely alert

There will be a more advanced Huna course in December, but this one day taster session lets you try Huna out for yourself and see if its a good fit.

If you're a therapist or counsellor, you can use Huna techniques to assist clients' change and evolution. Wouldn’t it be useful to use energy in such a way that it enhances the other processes in the work that you’re doing with your client ?

So, if you’re thinking about doing Huna training you’re thinking about doing a course that’s likely to change your life and to change the life of the people around you.

So Why do You want to learn Huna?
Everyone’s got their own reasons for getting into Huna. What’s yours? Here are some examples:

Vital physical health – the mind runs the body, and a Huna course is extremely therapeutic! People change mentally, and usually physiologically too. The people leaving the course are visually different

Huna offers specific and practical ways of making desired changes in your reality. If you’re involved with spirituality and change in any way, then Huna offers something to you.

How to take advantage of this offer

In a nutshell Huna trainings are extremely rare in the United Kingdom, even harder to find in Scotland. It costs about £5,000 to go to Hawaii to do the 10 day Huna Intensives by my friend and teacher Tad James. It takes 24 hours to fly there, and you lose two days coming back. I thought it might be good to iffer a taster day at a giveaway price.

Runs 10am till 5 pm in the Sandringham Suite, Parklands Country Club, Ayr Road, Glasgow. Investment £147 per person


Jonathan Clark
Alaka'i Ho’omanaloa (Teacher & Initiator)

Click on the link on the right for

Call FREE on 0800 072 5792


PS. If you’re feeling dragged down by life’s ups and downs, if you’re searching for some radical new ways of doing things, or if your outlook and mindset need a really good shake up, book your seat right now. If you want the inside scoop on what the gurus know, it’s all here for you if you’re ready to grab it…

Spare a thought for Kim...

I just received a distressing phone call from one of my students.

You might know Kim MacLeod who attended my Practitioner Course in November 2005.

Her 12 year old son died suddenly a few days ago from Meningitis, right out of nowhere.

If I can ask you to take some time today to spare a thought for Kim and her family, and send her some good thoughts.

Very sorry to hear the news Kim - we're thinking about you.


Sunday, September 30, 2007

Introduction To Hawaiian Huna Teleclass

Everywhere People Are Raving About These Amazing Secrets To Spiritual Growth...

You are hereby invited to take part in an awakening that has swept the planet, as people realise that technology and socio-economics are taking us further away from the original wisdom and guidance that kept us safe, happy and together...

Over the past 20 years there has been an increasing interest in esoteric study, the metaphysical sciences, alternative and complementary techniques, the laws of attraction...

But what if all of these approaches actually come from one single source? Wouldn't you want to learn the master blueprint from which all else comes?

Now we'll never know if that's really true or not, but what is for sure is that if you know the fundamentals of magic, psychology and healing, then you will be able to understand every other approach that you pick up.

Come and learn the master system of them all...HUNA

On this FREE 90 minute teleclass I'll take you through the background and basics of this fascinating art and science of old Hawaii.

Now Huna isn't for everyone - it either calls to you and you are curious to know more, or it doesn't. Come and open yourself up to even deeper levels of awareness and development...

Come and learn how to do real magic in the real world...

Huna incorporates breathing techniques, meditations [both waking and closed eye], rituals, chanting, and energy work to form an easy to use, enjoyable and effective system for creating change and connecting with the more spiritual aspect of you.

Huna allows you to let go of painful emotions and events from your past in ways that are quicker and deeper than even NLP or tapping techniques.

It is easy to learn, and this teleclass is your FREE introduction into this ancient but powerful art. After this class, you might decide to further you training, and we can help you go as far and as deep as you are willing to go...

You don't have to be a Coach or Therapist or Healer to learn Huna - many learn these techniques purely for their own personal development and curiousity. So if you want to discover more about yourself, and the truth about the laws of nature and affecting your reality, then Huna is for you.

Just reserve your place here and I'll send you details of this invitation only teleseminar.

This will be a conference call held on the phone or by webcast, so you can listen in on the phone or stay at home and play it over your internet connection. You don't need to talk or share anything about yourself at any time, though there will be plenty of time for questions and answers. The call will also be recorded and will be available for replay if you miss the seminar.

If improving your quality of life interests you, join me at 8pm on Thursday the 18th.

And if you've already trained with me, please come an revisit these teachings. You can never practice the basics enough.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Recharge Your Batteries In Spain...

I'm sure you'll agree that everyone [even YOU!] needs a holiday. The problem is, we're all so busy with work, kids, family and commitments that we hesitate to take them.

I know, I've felt that way myself. That's why I'm offering a Retreat in the beautiful Murcia region of Spain.

Now you can fine tune your life, detox your head and relax your body - all at the same time.

Below is a 2-minute survey that I'd like you to fill in. This will help me to provide my clients with the ideal Spanish Retreat experience with services you really want at a price that's fair.

Design Your Ideal Spanish Retreat

Friday, September 07, 2007

Latest Podshow Episode Now Available...

If you want to hear Part 2 of this gruelling interview, just go to:

As always I welcome any and all feedback.



Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Tell Your Story In My New Money Book

Turn Your Finances Around By Helping Me Create My Next Book…

Attention Money Jugglers & Credit Card Addicts!
How To Get Out Of Debt Fast & Take Control Of Your Money With My First (and last) “Got To Get Success Stories” Sale…

Hello there,

I need your help…

My second book is coming together nicely and I’m just finishing up what I consider to be one of the most ground-breaking debt recovery and money books on the market. But I can’t publish the book without including some testimonials and success stories from people who’ve applied the methods it teaches. So I had to figure out how to get some as soon as possible.

You see, I created my Money Programme over a year ago, but I neglected to follow up with the students who took part. But my mistake could be in your favour…

Here’s what the book is all about…

The book focuses on helping you lose the debts you’ve probably accumulated permanently, increasing your savings, and building financial security for your future even if you’ve had a history of bleeding cash everywhere!

That’s why you’re reading this…I need some volunteers who will invest in my Money Breakthrough Programme, implement what it teaches and then happily share their story in my book. So I’ve decided to use what I teach, and offer you a sale price on the CD programme “Your Money Or Your Life”.

That’s right, and I do mean SALE!

So as I was brainstorming, I thought about turning this potential negative into a positive. You see, this way of sourcing success stories helps a few lucky people just like you…

If You Almost Tremble With FearAt The Size Of Your Credit Card Debt...Overdraft... Or Mortgage...
And You Can't Sleep At NightFor The Worry Of PAYING Them...
Here Are 3 Ways To TakeVirtually 'Instant' ControlAnd Reduce Your Payments

In Just 60 Minutes Or Less:

In a nutshell, I’m offering you my massive Money Management and Debt Recovery Programme called “Your Money Or Your Life”…plus free entry to an exclusive series of four teleclasses I’m holding in September…for the first (and last) time ever.

You get:

Full colour Manual and guidebook to retrain “your money head”
Over 12 hours of live Money Seminar recorded on 23 Mp3 files
£25 worth of Gift Vouchers redeemable against any of my other programmes
3 free reports full of instantly useful money management and turnaround tactics
a FREE place on my upcoming Money Masterclass 4 week Teleseminar series

…at the bargain basement price of £97! That’s a £272 discount over the regular price of £369.

That’s right – you’ll also get the bonus 4 teleseminar series (£197 value) to ram it all home and make sure you implement the strategies and tricks of the trade so that you control your money instead of it controlling you. That way I can also be sure of getting results with you.

Here’s the deal: I’ll walk you through each process, one step at a time, and over four weeks you’ll see changes in your money habits. I’ve never offered this EVER before. In return, you give me a testimonial or success story that I can use in the book, and you’ll get a credit in the acknowledgements.

This August Sale expires Friday 31st of August and it’s only available to the first 25 customers, because that’s all I need to fill the Teleclasses.

So hurry, order now.

Truth is, I’ve never offered so much for so little. And with this kind of pricing, I doubt this offer will last longer than a couple of days before all the sets are snapped up.

What that means is, if you’re in the least bit interested in making more money, saving more money, reducing your debts and paying all your bills ALL AT THE SAME TIME – now is the time. And you get your 15 minutes of fame in the new book. I’ll NEVER repeat this offer again!

Oh, one more thing…

You’ll still have my full, unconditional personal guarantee for a FULL 30 days. That means if you don’t think you got at least three times the value out of your £97 investment…just email me and I’ll send you a refund on the spot.

These debt-busting and savings-boosting secrets must work for you – OR YOU PAY NOTHING!

Here’s how to order…

For your own good just go to and scroll down to the bottom of the page and look for the “Add To Cart” Button. By all means read the full story on the page [you know how I like to talk] and you can pay for the programme by Paypal or by credit card.

NOW WHY WOULD I WANT YOU TO DO THAT? Am I actually encouraging you to add to your credit card balance? Or to take money out of your Paypal account? YES!

And if you have any hesitation about doing either…


Or you can call Eileen on 0800 072 5792 and she’ll handle the rest for you.

Remember - this offer expires at Midnight on Friday August 31st 2007. You have nothing to lose, apart from the stress, and a healthy bank balance, your name in print and a glorious financial future to gain.

Order now before your chance to get his special discount expires. At this £97 price, 25 sets will be gone within days.

Picture Yourself - Relaxed And Peaceful - CERTAIN That YouHave 100% Control Over Your Money. And That YourMoney Is Working 24 Hours A Day For You ... Instead Of You Working 24 Hours A Day For It

Jonathan Clark

P.S. That’s right, you get my best money management advice from my Money Seminar (£147 value), plus the teleseminar coaching calls (worth £197) for the incredibly low price of only £97! Because I need to create case studies for my new Money book, you save a grand total of £272! But you’d better move fast before all 25 sets are snapped up.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Listen in to The Jonathan Clark Show...

I've just uploaded my latest Podcast on the 4 bodies and their importance in your personal growth. If you haven't already, you might want to subscribe so you always catch the next episode...


Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Ask Me Anything!

Hello there.

I'd like to open up a discussion on this Blog, by inviting you to ask me anything you want about HGE, personal development, Huna, NLP, Hypnosis, Coaching, whatever.

Maybe things you're stuck with, maybe you have a tricky case to work on, perhaps you have questions left unanswered from your training?

So here's how it works - just log into your account on Blogger and post a question. One sentence in length, and I'll do my very best to answer that question fully on this Blog.

Could be what technique to use with what problem, how to get clients, anything you need answered. Ask me the question and I'll answer it fully on video on this page.

So get posting with your question and watch this space for the latest video.

Look forward to hearing from you.


Friday, July 27, 2007

Here's the article that upset Ecademy and got me 11 agressive emails back!

After spending 16 years studying positive thinking, meditation, martial arts, Hypnosis, NLP, auto-suggestion, Time Line Therapy, Cognitive Therapy, Huna, Feng Shui, Life Coaching, and almost every other approach to mind action that exists, I found that there are 7 critical aspects to making your life easier and attracting success, with the maximum amount of results in the minimum amount of time.

Only when all 7 aspects are in harmony does your subconscious mind (your auto achievement pilot) pour out your unlimited potential almost without any greater effort on your part at all, and your body becomes naturally balanced, calm, and stress free.

Many believe that one of those aspects is your Higher Conscious Mind also, with still more, higher functions, such as wisdom, order, justice, ecology, peace, truth, perfection and evolution. This is the spiritual part of you, your guardian angel, and it looks down at you like a totally trustworthy parent gazing lovingly on a perfect child (you). It creates anything that you ask for, (whether dwell on good things or bad) including health and energy, as well as more tangible goals.

OK, so let's look at the third self, the highest and best of any person, and what it does.


Let's look at the Prime Directives of the Higher Self, or Aumakua as it was called in Hawaii. That's a grab bag term for any parental spirit - ancestors and any gods. Your higher self, the higher mind of mankind. Manao Iaau was another name, and it has many roles. Once again thanks to my Huna teacher Dr Tad James for the following:

1. Guardian Spirit (over the individual). As in Native Americans who believed that you were not connected with your Higher Self at birth, you had to go through a ceremony to connect - they dipped you in water. Hmm, sound familiar? Baptism?. It was a "Totally trustworthy parental spirit". The Hawaiians believe you are connected but may not experience it. It's like you're up there looking down on yourself, wondering "I wonder if Jonathan's going to wake up today?" You are connected, you just need to learn how to communicate with it.
2. God Spirit in the individual. Your way of relating to the source of all creation, God, I'o
3. Connection/communication with higher self makes everything OK - everything the way we want it. That's the basis of Western high magic -
4. Totally balanced male and female energy. Yin & Yang, assertive male energy and totally nurturing female energy. Plato mentioned a time when we were both.
5. An expression of man and woman's own perfection.
6. Our connection to the higher realms of creation, above Higher Self and God
7. Represents the process of evolution in Huna, the spiritual art and science of old Hawaii. Shows us the way we're developing
8. Has the power to recognize causes (source of events) of events that happen in our lives in the now. Direct knowledge of Past Lives comes from the Higher Self
9. Has the power to remove complexes, fixations and false identifications. Can clear up psychological ailments
10. Has the power to produce attainments (Sanskrit siddhis, etc.) including ESP, clairvoyance, clairaudience etc.
11. Has the power to know, predict and affect the future. Creating Your Future process in Time LineTherapy actually works with Higher Self, and that's why we breathe in that process to energise the Internal Representation
12. Doesn't make mistakes. If you're worried about making mistakes, operate from the Higher Self and you can only do right
13. Higher Self cannot interfere with conscious mind's free will (it must be
asked). It can't intervene unless you ask (through prayer)
14. Is all forgiving, because we are all one. All knowing and all seeing. It thinks you're perfect the way you are
15. Conscious mind has free will to deny Prime Directives of Aumakua (and just might do it).

[NOTE: Once you have connected with your Higher Self consciously, you can learn how to ask your Higher Self to come down and remove any negative emotions, limiting beliefs or decisions directly out of your neurology, at any time. This is the quickest and deepest form of therapy I've ever seen. If you are interested in learning how to do this for yourself, read my book "Ignite & Unshackle".]

Some thought-provoking questions for you to ponder:

• What do others say about your unique qualities, gifts and talents?
• What is your special talent that you would like to orient your life around?
• What are you truly grateful for?

"Coach Reveals The Truth About Self Hypnosis and Personal Growth”

After spending 16 years studying positive thinking, meditation, martial arts, Hypnosis, NLP, auto-suggestion, Time Line Therapy, Cognitive Therapy, Huna, Feng Shui, Life Coaching, and almost every other approach to mind action that exists, I found that there are 7 critical aspects to making your life easier and attracting success, with the maximum amount of results in the minimum amount of time.

Only when all 7 aspects are in harmony does your subconscious mind (your auto achievement pilot) pour out your unlimited potential almost without any greater effort on your part at all, and your body becomes naturally balanced, calm, and stress free.

To begin with, you have several bodies, all connected together.

1 Let's agree that you have a Physical body, the foundation upon which
everything sits - the vehicle that houses your awareness. Remember, you're body's a temple, but it's also a nightclub!

2 Above that is the Emotional Body, the seat of your unconscious processes and the source of your memories and emotions. The emotional body is magnetic, and attracts people with similar emotions e.g. Anger management groups. Protesters.

3 Next you have the Mental Body - the rational, thinking Conscious Mind, and usually with an area of interest or a field of knowledge that it specialises in. The mental body likes stimulation, deep and meaningful discussion, debate and new ideas.

4 Last but by no means least comes the Spiritual Body, the super conscious mind and your connection with whatever is higher and bigger than you. The Spiritual body attracts like minded souls, such as in gathering to worship, or a "calling", or you reading this book….

Now here’s the second secret - you are of three minds. Our ancestors used to teach this, as the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Ever wonder why it's in that order? This trinity is present in every tradition on the planet. The Pope's cross has 3 horizontal bars, the Cardinal's only two, and the Priests only has one. Hmmm. Or the Lovers Card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot Cards. There's a man (conscious
mind) looking at a woman (unconscious mind), but she's looking above him at an angel (higher self) which he can't see.

5 You probably know that you have a conscious mind, don't you? The part of you that answered - that was it! It likes experience, knowledge, mental power, analysis and rationality. It also likes respect, admiration, significance and success. It's focussed on specifics, likes order and sequence, and it usually kicks in at about age five. Unfortunately, it's also an expert in denying and avoiding pain.

6 The Conscious Mind thinks, "I am". But you also have an unconscious Mind with feelings, "I feel". (The mind that controls all subconscious activity within your body and the actions and non-actions that you find yourself taking or not taking). It runs your body, beats your heart, stores your memories, controls your emotions. It's sometimes called the "body/mind". It's like a timid animal with basic desires and a mental age of about five years old. It adores food, clothes, security, sex, fun, the five senses and safety. It has no words. You always know you're really at the unconscious level when you have no words for the feelings you're experiencing. Any time you criticise yourself, you're criticising your unconscious mind. Society likes to keep you out of here - men are taught to be unemotional, therapists will help you manage your anger (rather than clear it up completely) and prescription drugs suppress your true feelings. They're still there, you just can't feel them. So the next time a red light appears on your car dashboard, just paint black paint over it. It's still a problem, but at least you can't see it.

7 Many believe you have a third self, the Higher Conscious Mind also, with still more, higher functions, such as wisdom, order, justice, ecology, peace, truth, perfection and evolution. (Your connection to your true unlimited and infinite self). It looks down at you like a totally trustworthy parent gazing lovingly on a perfect child (you). It creates anything that you ask for, (whether you dwell on good things or bad).

The majority of counselling interventions, analysis, positive thinking and reading books are only Mental, Conscious actions. That’s only 2/7ths of the picture. Advanced change techniques like autosuggestion, meditation, Hypnosis and NLP tap into still just 4/7ths of the individual, by also accessing the unconscious mind and emotional body. Psyched up, high adrenaline motivational seminars actually make you less effective by actually keeping you out of the very areas that would stimulate change. And they are emotional states that few people can recreate in their everyday lives, unless they spend more money becoming seminar-junkies. Spiritual practices often only deal with the Spiritual aspect of the person and the Higher Conscious Mind. Again only 2/7ths of the picture. If they involve fasting, retreats or rituals then they activate four, i.e. the physical body and emotional body.

This is why they haven’t worked wholly for you.

Any of these methods taken in isolation leave you short-changed, unable to make the changes you hoped for. It’s like putting a tractor tyre on a Ferrari – you end up with an imbalanced car that is highly unstable, is difficult to stop, burns fuel wastefully, is dangerous to drive and will spend most of its time going in circles…

Get all 7 in harmony, suddenly, in the most natural way, life starts to come together. Love starts to blossom. Money starts to pour in. Abilities start to sharpen dramatically and produce greater fruitage. Energy starts to rise. Health starts to improve. Coincidences start to multiply. Try it and see!

Monday, July 23, 2007

First Ever Profit Partnership Contest

Win 1 of 3 AMAZING Prizes In The Brand New, Month of July 2007 Affiliate Contest.

First things first. I'm running the FIRST EVER contest for my affiliates this month.
The contest will be very straightforward. Over the next 2 weeks (ending August 3rd at 11:59pm), the top 3 affiliates in terms of August 2007 Practitioner Places sold will win one of the following great prizes:

£427 commission + a Home Study Programme of your choice, selecting from
Your Money Or Your Life
Hypnosis Weekend
Time Line Therapy Weekend
Life Coaching with NLP
Miracles On Demand [Huna]
Its what you do that counts
Stand & Deliver

2 – Second prize for next most # of places =
Free place on the December Miracles On Demand Huna course priced at £1407, for free as my guest. [And if you’ve done Level 1 already, you get to do level 2 as my guest]

1 – Top prize for selling most places =
I’ll come to your home and spend the day with you [office hours 9-5pm], either Coaching, doing a Personal Breakthrough Session OR building your business and making it more profitable

NOW, if you're not already a member of my Profit Partnership, you might like to visit and sign up [it's free!] to take part in this contest.

Only 12 days to go...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

An Excerpt from "Zero Limits" by Dr. Joe Vitale www.zerolimits.infoThree years ago, I heard about a therapist in Hawaii who cured a complete ward of criminally insane patients--without ever seeing any of them. The psychologist would study an inmate's chart and then look within himself to see how he created that person's illness. As he improved himself, the patient improved.When I first heard this story, I thought it was an urban legend. How could anyone heal anyone else by healing himself? How could even the best self-improvement master cure the criminally insane?It didn't make any sense. It wasn't logical, so I dismissed the story.However, I heard it again a year later. I heard that the therapist had used a Hawaiian healing process called ho 'oponopono. I had never heard of it, yet I couldn't let it leave my mind. If the story was at all true, I had to know more.I had always understood "total responsibility" to mean that I am responsible for what I think and do. Beyond that, it's out of my hands. I think that most people think of total responsibility that way. We're responsible for what we do, not what anyone else does. The Hawaiian therapist who healed those mentally ill people would teach me an advanced new perspective about total responsibility.His name is Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len. We probably spent an hour talking on our first phone call. I asked him to tell me the complete story of his work as a therapist. He explained that he worked at Hawaii State Hospital for four years. That ward where they kept the criminally insane was dangerous.Psychologists quit on a monthly basis. The staff called in sick a lot or simply quit. People would walk through that ward with their backs against the wall, afraid of being attacked by patients. It was not a pleasant place to live, work, or visit.Dr. Len told me that he never saw patients. He agreed to have an office and to review their files. While he looked at those files, he would work on himself. As he worked on himself, patients began to heal."After a few months, patients that had to be shackled were being allowed to walk freely," he told me. "Others who had to be heavily medicated were getting off their medications.And those who had no chance of ever being released were being freed."I was in awe."Not only that," he went on, "but the staff began to enjoy coming to work. Absenteeism and turnover disappeared. We ended up with more staff than we needed because patients were being released, and all the staff was showing up to work. Today, that ward is closed."This is where I had to ask the million dollar question:"What were you doing within yourself that caused those people to change?""I was simply healing the part of me that created them," he said.I didn't understand.Dr. Len explained that total responsibility for your life means that everything in your life - simply because it is in your life--is your responsibility. In a literal sense the entire world is your creation.Whew. This is tough to swallow. Being responsible for what I say or do is one thing. Being responsible for what everyone in my life says or does is quite another. Yet, the truth is this: if you take complete responsibility for your life, then everything you see, hear, taste, touch, or in any way experience is your responsibility because it is in your life.This means that terrorist activity, the president, the economy--anything you experience and don't like--is up for you to heal. They don't exist, in a manner of speaking, except as projections from inside you. The problem isn't with them, it's with you, and to change them, you have to change you.I know this is tough to grasp, let alone accept or actually live. Blame is far easier than total responsibility, but as I spoke with Dr. Len, I began to realize that healing for him and in ho 'oponopono means loving yourself. If you want to improve your life, you have to heal your life. If you want to cure anyone--even a mentally ill criminal--you do it by healing you.I asked Dr. Len how he went about healing himself. What was he doing, exactly, when he looked at those patients' files?"I just kept saying, 'I'm sorry' and 'I love you' over and over again," he explained.That's it?That's it.Turns out that loving yourself is the greatest way to improve yourself, and as you improve yourself, your improve your world. Let me give you a quick example of how this works: one day, someone sent me an email that upset me. In the past I would have handled it by working on my emotional hot buttons or by trying to reason with the person who sent the nasty message. This time, I decided to try Dr. Len's method. I kept silently saying, "I'm sorry" and "I love you," I didn't say it to anyone in particular. I was simply evoking the spirit of love to heal within me what was creating the outer circumstance.Within an hour I got an e-mail from the same person. He apologized for his previous message. Keep in mind that I didn't take any outward action to get that apology. I didn't even write him back. Yet, by saying "I love you," I somehow healed within me what was creating him.I later attended a ho 'oponopono workshop run by Dr. Len.He's now 70 years old, considered a grandfatherly shaman, and is somewhat reclusive. He praised my book, The Attractor Factor. He told me that as I improve myself, my book's vibration will raise, and everyone will feel it when they read it. In short, as I improve, my readers will improve."What about the books that are already sold and out there?" I asked."They aren't out there," he explained, once again blowing my mind with his mystic wisdom. "They are still in you."In short, there is no out there.It would take a whole book to explain this advanced technique with the depth it deserves. Suffice it to say that whenever you want to improve anything in your life, there's only one place to look: inside you."When you look, do it with love." Ditto

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Thought forms...

Hi Jonathan and gang,

Yip I totally agree with that comment, basically...thoughts become things.
The movie ' The Secret' explains this vey well...great piece of work.

I'm sure all you guys out there know and believe that we are all creating
our own reality. However I'm also sure there's times when 'things happen'
and we all wonder, ''did I create that?'' or '' was that me or them or him or her''

It's like, ''well if we're all creating our realities, who's creating what, and who's
you've probably had those wee moments, I know I have (please tell me you have)

Anyway I think the first thing is 'chill'...I've found, or I'm finding that what works well for
me is to just keep it simple.

The thought of monitoring thoughts is a crazy thought...I think.
So I'm just having having fun with it, and it does become quite habitual.
Anytime a wee fly , sneeky negative or unresourceful thought creeps up on you,
IMMEDIATELY replace it with the OPPOSITE, or the outcome you want.

You get into the habit and it becomes a bit of a game. Treat it like a kinda 'swish pattern'
So, in comes the negative thought's what I want instead.

Eventually with repitition, day by day the wee 'critters' start to fizzle out and fade away.
Like I say, I'm starting to have fun with it.

I think it's the time delay between the thought and the actual manifestation of it that
causes a lot of people to give up. I know a lot of my past frustrations came from not
getting what I wanted quick enough.

So now I'm just going about my day with a lazer beamed focus on what I want and
where I'm going and it's a buzz, i've created a 'vision board' that sits by my pc with
pictures and some affirmatons.

As I said earlier the film 'The Secret' helped me a good bit and clarified things for me.
There's a bit in it when Jack Canfeild talks about when he met W.Clement Stone, who said
to him, "I want you to create a goal, so big that it will blow your mind, and prove to you that
it could've only been achieved by applying 'the secet' "

So I thought I'd give it a go. I've put the outcome in an envelope which I'll open at Christmas.
It is so far from my current reality that it is pretty mind blowing, but I know it's mine, it's already
in progress, and every day it's...Bang.....focus and do at least one thing towards it.

Take comfort in the fact that your present reality is the manifestation of past thoughts from years ago, and todays thoughts are....whats to come.
Exciting stuff eh?

Take care guys, and thanks for all your help JC.



New Podcast Series Launched...

Hey I'm hip to the scene and down with my homies....

Keeping up with the times and accessing a whole new demographic of self-developers, I've just launched my new Podcast Show, and I've got big plans for this one.

To subscribe to the regular Podcasts on your PC or iPod, CLICK HERE and you'll be able to stream episodes as they are published.

Hope you enjoy it!


The Danger Of thought Forms

For a while now I've been stressing the danger of feeding inappropriate Thought Forms. I've been warning students that the media is encouraging us all to focus on the same idea. The more they scare us, the more we watch the TV and buy the papers. Now its in my home city.

A thought form is a powerful thought backed up by strong emotions - an energy bundle. Ad + Ki for those in the know. The more you dwell on it, the more energy it gets and the stronger its boundaries become. Ant number of people, all dwelling on the same thought, magnifies it. Infact, it needs living mana/chi to survive.

Starve the thought form, and it will begin to dissolve till it becomes a memory.

How to clear a thought form? Clear any negative emotions like Fear or Anger using Time Line, Higher Self Therapy or any other intervention you know. Esoteric techniques include cutting connections and banishing the energy cluster.

I'm off to do some work on myself. May I ask that you do likewise, and focus on what you want instead, not what someone else wants you to focus on...

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Want To Get Some Of Your Money Back?

Well, I have been hinting that something big was on the horizon....[drum roll]

...and here it is!

Question: How would you like to earn back some, or all, of the money that you've invested in your training with me?

And with the next Practitioner Course starting in August, you might want to sign up right now! It could be worth £437 in your pocket...

Well, now you can - take a look at my Profit Partner Programme, by clicking here

The doors open tonight, right now, so you''ll be my very first ever Partners.

Go for it!


Announcing New Teleseminar + Webcast

Is this you? Or anyone you know?

• So busy you don't have time for anything?

• Loads of great ideas, but very few ever get completed?

• Lack motivation?

• Going through a big transition in your life?

• Can't seem to get organised?

• Worried about your work?

• Having trouble balancing work and home life?

• Co-workers driving you crazy?

• Lost direction in your life?

HGE is a breakthrough mind technology that allows you to finally dissolve the barriers, melt the painful emotions and dump the luggage of life that you’ve picked up over the years, faster and more deeply than anything that’s ever been available
before. And it can happen in 14 days or less!

Actually, you may have already decided to come to this guest event, or maybe you've heard about HGE from friends or colleagues, and now you want to experience the genuine article. It is with pleasure that we invite you to explore the subject a bit more deeply by taking part on a teleconference as our guest, on Tuesday the 10th of July, from 8pm till 9pm.

Try before you buy and experience this breakthrough mind technology with no obligation.

So come and meet Jonathan Clark, Founder & Developer of HGE in a fast paced, funny and thought provoking evening that you'll look back on and enjoy for many months to come. We'll share some ideas with you that will make you laugh for 2 minutes, and make you think for 2 weeks. Come and get all your questions answered in one evening.

"I can't get over the difference it's made for me. I've done NLP before, I've done the Tony Robbins courses before, but until you get somebody who actually touches the inner core of your unconscious, it doesn't work, and Jonathan does that."
- Carol Bentley, Marketing Consultant

EVENT: Get Everything You Want, And Meet The Trainer Teleseminar + Webcast

DATE & TIME: Tuesday, July 10th at 8:00pm GMT

FORMAT: Simulcast! (Attend via Phone or Webcast on your PC -- it's your choice)


Even if you never take part in any of Jonathan’s trainings or seminars, the Teleclass is still FREE to enjoy no matter what. The least we can do is stimulate your mind.

Hope to "see" you on the call.

Jonathan Clark

Founder & Developer of HGE

P.S. That’s right, we’ll inspire and inform you over 60 minutes with the latest advances in personal change psychology. Pass this email on to anyone else who you know who’ll be interested.

PPS. If you can't make the call, why not download the free report on for the full scoop on this remarkable new approach.

Our First Ever Modular Practitioner starts August 4th

Friday, June 22, 2007

First ever Modular Practitioner Course

Get Everything You Want, Change Anything You Don't

Master the very latest and most advanced techniques in personal development...
If you are ready to grow and evolve yourself meaningfully, we invite you to come and spend 7 days over 4 months with us…

In August I'll be running my 21st NLP and HGE Practitioner Certification - with a twist.

This time we're running it over 4 weekends, over 4 months. The modular Master Prac went down well and meant people didn't have to use up valuable annual leave, so we're trying out [wanton experimentation] the same format for Prac.

The dates are Aug 3/4, Sept 1/2, Oct 6/7 and Nov 4th.

Now that means 2 things. Firstly, the early bird price deadline [normally £2137, but discounted to £1707] is July 4th, so if you know anyone who'd like to be certified as a Practitioner of NLP, spread the word.

Second, it means I'm looking for Coaching Assistants who can commit to all 4 weekends. Volunteers will be added to the list on a first come, first served basis.

Spread the word. And look out for my next post which will explain why you might want to do that soon....


Saturday, June 16, 2007

I'm in 3 minds about this article...

You probably know that you have a conscious mind, don’t you? The part of you that answered - that was it! It likes experience, knowledge, mental power, analysis and rationality. It also likes respect, admiration, significance and success. It’s focussed on specifics, likes order and sequence, and it usually kicks in at about age five. Unfortunately, it’s also an expert in denying and avoiding pain. But did you know that you also have an unconscious……….mind as well? And you may also realise that you have a Higher Self too. This is the second major teaching of HGE – that you are of three minds.

Our ancestors used to teach this, as the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Ever wonder why it’s in that order? This trinity is present in every tradition on the planet. The Pope’s cross has 3 horizontal bars, the Cardinal’s only two, and the Priests only has one. Hmmm. Or the Lovers Card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot Cards. There’s a man (conscious mind) looking at a woman (unconscious mind), but she’s looking above him at an angel (higher self) which he can’t see. Think of it as the child, the parent and the grandparent. You’ll never be alone again when you realise that there’s three of you in there.

You’re more than just a Conscious Mind. It thinks, “I am”. But you also have an unconscious Mind with feelings, “I feel”. It runs your body, beats your heart, stores your memories, controls your emotions. It’s sometimes called the “body/mind”. It’s like a timid animal with basic desires and a mental age of about five years old. It adores food, clothes, security, sex, fun, the five senses and safety. It has no words.

You always know you’re really at the unconscious level when you have no words for the feelings you’re experiencing. Any time you criticise yourself, you’re criticising your unconscious mind. People treat their pets better than their own unconscious. Society likes to keep you out of here – men are taught to be unemotional, therapists will help you manage your anger (rather than clear it up completely) and prescription drugs suppress your true feelings. They’re still there, you just can’t feel them. So the next time a red light appears on your car dashboard, just paint black paint over it. It’s still a problem, but at least you can’t see it.

Many believe you have a third self, the Higher Conscious Mind also, with still more, higher functions, such as wisdom, order, justice, ecology, peace, truth, perfection and evolution. This is the spiritual part of you, your guardian angel, and it looks down at you like a totally trustworthy parent gazing lovingly on a perfect child (you). It creates anything that you ask for, (whether dwell on good things or bad) including health and energy, as well as more tangible goals.

Now there’s a connection linking the Conscious Mind to the Unconscious Mind, and another linking the Unconscious Mind to your Higher Self. But there’s no direct connection between the Conscious Mind and the Higher Self. The only way to get communication with your Higher Self, is to first learn how to connect with your unconscious mind. Hence the use of Hypnosis, or trance in HGE, where you go inside…

The Physical body is the vehicle for the whole package. That’s why visualisation with feeling works better than affirmation – the former impacts the unconscious mind, and thus the Emotional and Physical bodies. Affirmations are Mental body, conscious statements. Does that make sense?

Daddy Bray, a Hawaiian teacher or Kahuna said that the lesson of life is for the Unconscious Mind to become conscious, and for the Conscious Mind to become a Higher Self. Your conscious mind’s job is to teach the unconscious mind and grow it up, so it becomes a conscious mind. Strive to make the hidden contents of your unconscious, conscious. He also said that the lesson of Mastery was for the Higher Self to come down into the consciousness, and for the conscious mind to merge with the unconscious.

Become a Higher self and integrate that back into your physical life. Bring your spiritual nature all the way down into the physical body. Then you can truly and profoundly affect other people in your daily life.

Oh and by the way, your unconscious mind looks up at you like an awestruck child – you are a God in it’s eyes. Your Higher Self looks down at you as perfect, in every way, right now. It’s only your conscious mind that needs convincing…

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Revealed - The truth about coaching, hypnosis, NLP and how to go beyond it

NLP hasn’t evolved very far since it was first conceived. As an NLP Trainer with 16 years Coaching and Hypnosis experience, all Jonathan Clark sees is more of the same - more Meta Model questions, more techniques and more complaints from disgruntled students who got less than they paid for! So he’s done something about it…

Interviewer: Jonathan struck me as a fascinating exponent of personal development. I was so impressed with your skill and depth of knowledge and ability to help people truly change their lives that I invited you to talk at my business seminar, which you did and it went down a storm so things have really developed since then, haven’t they, you’ve now developed your own methodology called HGE, it’s a definite breakthrough or progression or evolvement might be a more appropriate word from NLP I think, and its really fascinating to me because I think NLP as I’m sure you’ll explain later on, has done the world an incredible service but at least to me seems to have stopped progressing, but I think certainly what you do Jonathan is a really fresh and by what I’m seeing a more rapid way of truly evolving all these desires we have as human beings in health and relationships, money, business and so its very, very fascinating so you’ve written a book - we are now basically talking about that book or talking about HGE really. . So formally hello

Let’s get straight into it, because we would like pack this with as much information for people listening as we possible can so why don’t you start Jonathan if you would like to with a brief history of what NLP was and why you got involved, and then what began to frustrate you leading to your own HGE involvement.

Jonathan: Well there’s an old phrase that says that people get into personal development either out of desperation or inspiration and I’ve yet to meet someone who is inspired to do it. People often go into a philosophy or a mind set or a set of techniques to try and get them through the day, I was no different from that. I was the shy specky kid with asthma and a duodenal ulcer by the time I was sixteen because I was so scared of talking to people, and I got into it purely because my brother studied psychology and I read all these books and found it fascinating. If I could burn a whole in my stomach with my brain what could I do that was a little bit more useful?

And so I started learning all these things for my benefit - I got into personal development, read all the standard books most people have read and then started to kind of push it a little because a lot of that stuff was very conscious, very techniquey, very kind of… you had to force yourself to do it, it was like affirmations, telling yourself “you’re happy, you’re happy, you’re happy” when the other part of brain was screaming at you that you’re not happy at all.

So I started to look at things like Neuro Linguistic Programming, NLP, hypnosis, life coaching, and some other esoteric things like Feng Shui,, energy work and all that kind of stuff, a lot of the people I was listening to had some sort of esoteric discipline as well and in fact if you look at all of the major personal development people, all the big names they all look at some kind of esoteric spirituality aspect and that intrigued me - I thought maybe I’m missing something, maybe there’s a side of life I don’t know anything about, because at the time I didn’t ever look at that kind of thing, in fact I poo poo’d it.

NLP I found to be very practical hands on, you could read it and use it the same day - you could fix phobias in under an hour, you could take away nerves, you could make people confident, you could change beliefs, you could do amazing wonderful things in a very short space of time which really blew my head off - if you know how the brain works you can basically program it to do anything you want, so that fascinated me, the ulcer disappear, my asthma disappeared, I got fitter and healthier, started taking care of my physical body, changed career completely.

Interviewer: Ok and this is all self done.

Jonathan: Incredibly powerful self-work, and I had never seen it fail, I had only ever seen NLP work, so my enthusiasm took off like a house on fire and I started sharing it with people, I started running seminars at weekends, I started working with individuals and because I didn’t know it might not work it always did. It was only later on I found some NLP people have problems with that and after 2 years of working with people in the field, and actually working with exam nerves and phobias and confidence, ME, massive health shifts in people, stuff you wouldn’t believe, transformational health changes, I thought one day somebody might actually ask me for a certificate, or a qualification and because my background was financial services I very much believe in that stuff, I thought right I’m going to have to go and get trained.

Then I discovered that issues would come up with students and the trainers were unable to bail them out, the trainers actually had no field experience, they were textbook perfect but had never worked with people in the real world so I had to keep bailing people out because I had been doing in for two years, and that really was a huge convincer to me about my ability, and it surprised me and also kind of disappointed me as well that the household names in the field weren’t actually up to scratch, in my opinion, I coined a phrase “always a trainer, never a therapist” because they could talk about it, there’s a lot of text book people out there but when it comes to the real world application they just haven’t got the chops for it.

Interviewer: It’s the age old thing about teachers isn’t it?

Jonathan: Correct, teachers you know, as apposed to coaches. . Coaches do it. But, so having done that for a while I decided I could help people more than what I am currently doing in my current career, which is a financial advisor, I was getting great results using NLP in the financial services, my sales doubled and my appointments halved, and my managers wondered what I was doing, and all I was doing was some of these techniques, rapport techniques, building connections with people, having people like you and trust you, having two way trust going. I then decided I’m going launch my own business and do this on the side, build it up and then eventually go self-employed. I did that, my income immediately doubled after two months I was working half the hours, and I had always been taught that self-employed businesses fail within the first two year and those that succeed fail within the next two years. I’m helping people and doing something that I felt I was born to do and I’ve basically been doing that ever since. Now I have looked at the current stuff that I’ve been training and thinking this needs to grow and evolve, there are certain things that most personal development areas don’t cover, or there’s certain holes or certain gaps, I’ve plugged them and I now want to get them out to the world.

Interviewer: OK, so now tell us what HGE is and maybe you can preface that by saying what these missing links were that were frustrating you.

Jonathan: Well, what often happens with most technique based skills is that there’s often heart missing, there’s often a kind of humanity aspect, and they become very cold and calculating and very kind of logical and sensible, and for a lot of people that’s not enough, a lot of NLP people are very academic and very much into systems orientation and the way things work, however, for something to give you complete balance, if you really want to be successful in all areas you need to include a more humane, what would you call it . . holistic approach as well, so there has to be some kind of higher purpose, there has to some kind of creativity or inspiration behind it.

Another hole I noticed was that very often people wouldn’t use a lot of the techniques that they’d learned because it was full of technical jargon that put people off. They start to sound as if they were into some strange cult. It also excluded people who wanted a more spiritual experience, typically if you look at any of the mind disciplines out there they’ll either be very conscious, logical academic or they’ll be very kind of spiritual, esoteric and kind of ‘green’ issues and most camps that I meet, most people fall into one or the other, what I wanted to do was bridge the gap and explain why both sides have advantages.

Also the majority of the technologies out there have been around for a long, long time and aren’t developing and aren’t evolving themselves, there are too many cliques, too many politics and people arguing who the original inventors were and not enough making it user friendly and making it publicized.

In most complimentary alternative methodologies, as these might called, I think the aromatherapy guild released statistics last year to say that 25% of qualified aromatherapists actually earn a living doing it. Coach University recently sent out statistics talking about the 30,000 life coaches on the planet, I think 10% of them make a living from it, and making a living was £15,000 a year or less.

Interviewer: Doesn’t surprise me, is seems that any training method, it’s very few people who actually apply it and actually sustain it.

Jonathan: That’s the problem with most conventional training, it doesn’t do that, what I looked at was answering these niggles that had always been around for me and people would bring these up to me and I had the sort of standard stock party line phrases that everyone else had but I just felt as if I wasn’t walking my talk and I was hypocritical until I got them fixed, so I’ve spent the past sixteen years tweaking this, developing it and answering those questions for myself. I don’t believe I’ve got the right to advise someone else unless I’m doing it myself, so I had to fill those holes, and I feel as if I have.

Interviewer: Yeah ok . . . good.

Jonathan: For those of us who want the balance and the success and want to ‘thrive’ instead of just ‘survive’, then there’s a kind of four areas you need to look at, and the big picture is simply that, there’s four aspects to you, you have a spiritual aspect, you have a mental aspect, you have an emotional aspect and you have a physical aspect, and if you fail to take care of one of those areas in your life . . . it will bite you! It is as simple as that, people who have the money, the toys, the things they want to play with, the supportive environment, the bank account, the relationships and all the external physical tangible things, those are great, but not just on their own. Ideally you also want to have the ability to understand your own emotions and to be able to change your emotions, not be burdened with traumas and hassles from the past, ideally to change that and let it go, also the ability to think flexibly and creatively, so that you can think outside the box and think laterally and come up with solutions to your problems, and also to have the freedom to choose your spirituality or your esoteric development or whatever path you want to follow. I think we all have those four god given rights and the one that you fail to nourish and nurture, is the one ultimately which will come up in your life as a problem.

I think this is the key, I think understanding HGE enables you to understand every other practice discipline, procedure, process, every other ‘ology’ out there. HGE explains the mechanics of how they work, so that’s going to save you a lot of time and money buying useless books or pointless treatments or courses that promise a lot but don’t deliver much. You’ll actually be able to predict and understand how something works and why it works or also predict why it won’t work in advance. That’s the way I look at it, I’ve spent 16 years mastering this stuff so you don’t have to. Let’s cut to the chase. The full story is a free report at

Interviewer: Alright, so what’s your universal message, when you say it like that?

Jonathan: You can change anything about yourself that you don’t like and you can have anything that you want. The book you will find is more of a training manual than it is a text book, it’s full of exercises, it’s full of real practical ‘hands on’ go and do this now, you’ve learned about it now go and do it. If you’re willing to do those things you will get immediate results in your world, that are categorically there in front of you, tangible. And that’s what personal development fans want.

Jonathan Clark is a Certified NLP Trainer and Coach, and with over 4000 hours of therapy and coaching experience dealing with real people in the real world, he wanted self-help to evolve. For the full scoop get the free report at